Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Well the aircraft WE were intrested in was the,

F-14 (Thought about no documents)
F-15 (Options to fill in holes in the navy documented)
F-18 (Options to fill in holes in the navy documented)
F-22 (Options to fill in holes in the navy documented)
F-111 K (Brought and 2 building stage)

But now we can add the F-117 to the list.

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and further proof they dont think britain produced any vehicles of their own and therefore are dependent on russia to give us new vehicles

Gazabi did it themselves after others did. The took an assumption and tried to act like it was real.

Tell me how ripping apart Canada makes a good premium? Simple answer it doesn’t. When all it will be used for is hunting the Canadian ADATS and acting like Canada isn’t a real country.

But I guess that’s a good thing to you all. After what happened to Canada in Fallout, should be what happens in real life everyone I’ve ever talked to belives.

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Me looking at the forums to see if anything has changed from last night
“Oh, I see there isn’t much, it’s mother’s day so hopefully people are spending time with their moms for the day or at least something along those lines”
mfw Canadian Leopard again


M8 we are in the UK so we had ours earlier and I’ve already been outside lol

It’s a Leopard designed and built by Germany, it doesn’t belong in any other nation. I play the German technology tree so I can play German technology, simple as.

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Shame Britain cant do that with its tech…


That’s fair enough, it’s only 12:21pm here in Ontario as of typing this so eh

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Oh right so does that mean Americans have to play Italy to get the AV-8 : P

I want my Saab 38 and KRV then

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Unfortunately, the WarThunder community hates Canada.

TT: “C&P” even if it haves planty of domtic and “Sherman Frefly” vehlies.

ST: Sure right after giving away it’s MBTs and Aircraft so people playing for the Canadian ST can’t make a historical line-up.

Most people: Canada isn’t a real country it should be ripped up and they did nothing during WW2 never took part in any war after aren’t a founding member of NATO isn’t part of NORAD etc.

US tree will get its AV-8 in time

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Fun fact on most Canadian Leos most of the German technology was ripped out and replaced by Canadian ones.


Can’t wait for the B-One, then the B-1R for obvious reasons, but the B-1 is technically speaking, the continuation of the F-111 program. Haha, funny name.


most “German tech” is the mechanical ones and 8/10 times isn’t even German.



Hopefully theyll remove it tbh.

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tbf the exact same things can be said about the swedish T80U, Mi28A and King Tiger, the T-90 Bishma, Mig21 Bison, Hunter F58 the list goes on lol

I would have removed the add-on armour. It’s more like a “German Shell” so it looks German but it’s been “Ship of Theseus” into being Canadian.

Also, Canada uses its own machine guns it builds on its tanks.

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Same, also, the F-2 is a completely different aircraft compared to the F-16, in shape, size, and armament. It only retains the general shillouette.

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