Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

“Britain got nothing to do with it” meanwhile conveniently forgetting the Indian T-90 and Bison exist.

Your point is now invalid next excuse

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Both the AIM and C2 Mexas are older than this new standard. The Vijayanta was in the game before but was removed and then readded.

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Nothing is confirmed until the blog you should know that by now.


Britain has a whole lot more to do with it than both the Indian T-90 and MiG.

It’s better and more relations to Canada than India.

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And the Vilkas? Centauro? Jaguar? Su-25? What about those?

Can’t wait for the Mitz F-2

tbh at this point i dont really care about the 2A4M can for the simple fact we could get the 2A6M can, which would be better and german mains cant complain about it being unique when they have their own versions

I want to see a British commonwealth tree. Like Australia and Canada in the same tree, would be really nice, for air too, but Britain kinda needs the F111G tbh.

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eh not really, the bucc is pretty good same with the tornado, I am interested if we will get the F117C since it was a fully designed variant with british engines and avionics, so its just as viable as the japanese F16A


Could be a good option for a premium CAS.


Yeah, but the Japanese F-16A never existed, it’s a placeholder for the F-2 untill they add it, hopefully, the British F-117 at least existed.

it was never built it was just a design that was proposed to britain back in the 80s when america was still just finishing the project, but the uk said no because we had like no money in the 80s to spend on our military (a trend that has not changed it would seem)

Another what if American aircraft to annoy the US mains with


Yeah, with them apparently not being a “major player” in the worlds top military anymore.

Out of spite, I’d like to see it, same with the F-18 in the Swedish tree eventually, it’s gonna be a C/D, and the American ones only gonna be an A, just like how we got done with the Gripen A/C debacle


the thing is many would still fight the 2a4m to be added to uk branch as well, so that the precedent exist for the 2a6M in the first place

eh either way with the F16AJ being here it has just as much reason to exist since the AJ is a fully blueprint plane with zero prototypes built

Quite a bit actually, Cobra autocannon only IFV, YPR ifv with a single 25mm autocannon. But more realistically the SIMBAS (yes it’s pretty much a ratel) with twin 20mm


Nah… just watching US mains complain when they are swatted out of the sky by ASRAAM at twice the range of their Aim-9X and them frantically trying to find sources to nerf ASRAAM or buff Aim-9X will be all the entertainment needed

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at which point would be so fucking dumb if by then gaijin has added anymore soviet things to our tree through india, it will show they dont care about who actually made the tank or plane, but for some reason the uk cant have anything from the nations in the commonwealth that actually like us lol

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