Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Would be the only one making sense. Either her or Deutschland. If they replace Prinz Eugen at all that is.

I highly doubt we will get all 5 of the Queen Elisabeth class battle ships in the tech tree, I can see us having ww1 era Queen Elisabeth, ww2 era Warspite as tech tree then having like refit Valiant as a premium and maybe Barham as an event ship

Well i wouldnt be suprised if HMS Warspite ends up as the Event Ship lol, and as the first QE overall, like Renown or Mississippi, which i would hate

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they better not make her an event ship, literally the most famous ship in the royal navy during ww2

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Given we may be seeing the Benelux sub-tree added for France what are some unique tanks they could offer? Other than Leopards you know. I want to know if that sub-tree is going to fulfill important gaps or not, and what they are, since I’ve switched my focus to grinding French ground :)

I love this logic, never used by Germany but it’s German so it have to be in Germany TT


Uh, yeah. Plenty of vehicles in game are added like this.


Looks at Czechoslovakian vehicles in USSR TT

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Well talking leopards you have the weird prototypes from corkerill, e.g. Leopard 1 with a similar turret to the CV90 105 premium (on the leopard it’s the 30105, but it’s similar in performance to the XC-8 on the CV90), the Belgian modified leopard ones with improved sights and FCS, & the Dutch Leopard 2NL, a very early Leo 2, lile before 2A4 early.
Talking CV90s you have a unique CV90 with a 35mm auto cannon.
You have the most of the early British CVRTs (Scorpion, Scimitar, & Striker), and a Belgian upgrade package for the Scorpion with the same gun as the aubl 90 in the Italian tree.
You have piranha iii in 90mm gun, auto cannon, & air defence variants.
A load of light tanks and atgm carriers across the board.
Quite a lot of air defence systems.
And finally (for this list, there is more) there’s the improved Ratel & Belgium home grown Light tank series.
Over all its not really going to give France anything it’s missing over all, but is going to give France stuff at BRs that don’t have much.
Although, both France and Benelux all have enough stuff to fill out their trees by themselves, but eh, this is gaijin.


Funny how said logic doesn’t apply to other nations or even many of the newer vehicles. (or the people using that logic being very selective with it)

Plenty of vehicles are added nowadays to nations that have no relation to the vehicle with the weakest reasons.

T-90 Bishma, Mi28A for sweden, Hunter F58 just to name the ones that come to mind immediately


I cant wait to watch france get the CVRT family before the UK does lmao

That doesn’t mean that vehicles that do have a link to their research nation won’t be added though… See Vilkas, M1A1 AIM, C2 MEXAS, Vijayanta and so on.

Again you beat that drum as if it’s still 2016, guess what we aren’t anything goes where gaijin see fit. I mean hell they could add it to the American tree on the bases of two are already there.


+Centauro RGO, Jaguar IS, Su-25BM

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Is lord smin going to bless us with a visit again?

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What about the SPAAs? Anything at 7.0 - 8.0?

I wonder what will people discuss about when benelux finally comes to the game.
Benelux discussion has been going on for years.

Probably how OP Luxembourg is as a nation in game :P
