@Hyrikul bit like this m8.
238 last I checked
Problem with the subTT placed here is what if a subTT add more than just ground, or just air ?
I think it’s better to have the choice of flag UP the armies tabs
Yea the tabs locations are gonna be a tricky one at the end of the day at least for now. I feel like gaijin will just nuke the 5th line for France and move them to the other lines .
Inshallah teaser in 1hr
Very very unlikely
Not likely to happen until we’ve had at least one Dev Blog, so at least a week out yet I think
The balance of the Top Tier in ground combat is collapsing - Game Discussion / General Discussion - War Thunder — official forum
Hey guys, come and see this
im confused to what this is for lol
That partnership program
Can’t spend that much on games 😔
Blud flagged my comment
Time and quality content will get you followers. Asking for followers wont help.
I been at it for so long dude, time is limited for me too.
I can understand that but these stuff sometimes need some luck. Not every gets success in content creation.
Please use off topic thread for such posts.
I will
Sorry use the Fan zone
The fan zone?