Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Though it can carry magics and MICA at the same time.

it can, but that would mean sacrificing micas.

and between a magic II and MICA IR, i’d much rather use the second one.

point being, you can only take 6x missiles max

Technically one can call the tor a copypaste since its not Chinese in origin, except that Russia doesnt even have it.

Guyjean humiez gib iz da devbloogs


But you see, gib f4f ice.

The day before a long weekend for many Gaijin employees. BASICALLY Friday today, which is first devblog day.

It’s juicy to wait for the trailer with the announcement but gawd do I hope they show the BeNeLux blog today.

so anything happen while I was asleep

Spall liner might come sooner than you expect ;). However it’s usefulness has been greatly reduced since their nerfs and spall buffs

nothing important

I believe Devblog either today or next week

I find friday unlikely as tomorrow is a holiday

2 additional missiles* M2K computer is capped at 6 missiles. Plus, it should already not carry the R530s, and the 4 magic 2 loadouts in game is actually from a 2000-C model, but gaijin gave it to the -5F cause why not, it’s load out was already stupidly wrong

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Whats the coolest or most logical Belgian piston aircraft we can expect mr_boo?

Really hope this one and only Dutch designed military jet makes it in. 2x 20mm gunpod and(/or?) 4x trainingbombs. It’d be the slowest turbojet in game, even slower than the strikemaster 😂

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Maybe we’ll finally get a fairey battle.

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that’d be sweet. long overdue.

IF they decide to add f16s and whatever else they can add coming from benelux, i just hope they will add them in one separate branch

otherwise the tree is just going to become one big mess…

Also, i personally don’t like it, because it justifies french stuff in other trees, and it isn’t like france needed it in the first place. Trees are becoming less and less unique as time goes by


But maneuverable! The P-59 is slower anyway so it’s not that baad

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Just wait for that italian motorjet.

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German east/west combo I get, but Hungary going to Italy, India going to UK and some other matches basically means almost every nation will end up with Shermans, MiG-21’s, MiG-29’s, F-16’s, F-35’s, etc

Still, am just glad BeNeLux will be in game in some shape or form.

I stand corrected. The S.14 is clearly a beast.

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Just googled that, pls gimme!

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