Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

As much as I’d like to see BeNeLux F-16’s, there are already M2K’s with a similar amount of missiles. Just not in game yet.

I mean the Italians were happy to get All new top fighters in their tree

ofc the French must complain about an F-16 now

Haha, yeah probably.

France was already one of my favourite trees, if not THE favourite, but adding my home nation makes it so much cooler. Belgian is a nice addition too and Luxembourg is of course the pride of the French tree going forward.

4 Neighbouring European countries in one tree. France should feel like the rule of Europe. Napoleon tree.

yes alternative which is not needed imo if it is pretty much C&P also -5F is getting 4 additional missile soon

I’ll probably finish the grind on it too with BeNeLux added

im currently stuck at the Bearcat and my experience in the Mirage 2K CS4 has stalled my motivation to grind the fronch, especially seeing the next rank

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8 total? Sweet. Looking to grind it out…with Dutch aircraft

I love the br 11.7 M2K in a sim downtier. Absolutely wrecks there.

remember BeNeLux can being 3 different Mirage 5s

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With AIM-9’s :)

The Mirage 2000-5F can only carry 6 missiles, not 8, unfortunately. Until the Rafale, the Mirage 4000 is France’s only missile bus.

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I mean i all for belgium to be in the game and as a subtree for france but i would like to see their unique vehicles they made throughout history instead of imported vehicles from other countries.

Is there any actual limitation that forbids 4 magics on the wings and 4 MICA under the belly?

I am absolutely ok with those simce it’s french design though i think we dont need all of them at least not right from the start.

Inb4 benelux (if added as a sub) is 95% copypaste with a “promise” that more will come, just like with hungary


Inb4 people will call Fokker D.XXI a copy paste from Sweden/Finland.
No jk.

Only full original airframe they really can’t miss imo is the Fokker G1. NF-5A, has some unique points but most will call it copy paste. F-16’s will be full copy pastes.

Obviously theres more but these 3 aircraft is what I’m looking to play.

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I’m expecting a lot of copy paste as well so i don’t get disappointed, but there is potential to make it bigger and as unique as South Africa in the future

Hopefully they quickly expand the subtree after this update with unique stuff as it will probably be fairly light partly because of the new time-consuming new modules they have to add


Why do I have this weird feeling there is gonna be that one type of dude who will think that?


because this is the gaijin forum

It was a sudden joke thought but now I am loosely expecting at least one.

pylons wiring

so 6x mica. IR or EM can be possible on every pylon, each pilot can “cook” its own mix