Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

can someone explain to me why the SKR-7 is only 4.3 but the freccia with only 3 40mm is at 4.7?

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I’d say the Renard R.38 could be pushed up to 5.0 depending on how Gaijin makes the flight model, it’s very maneuverable with really punchy guns, should be very fun to play!

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Where i hope BeNeLux gonna add love is more about props.

If there is one place France don’t need help from other country is in modern jet era, we still have more choices to add, more advanced Mirage F1 (like Mirage FM2000), more planes after the -5F (Mirage 2000-5F Mk II, Mirage 2000-9…), and more attack planes (Mirage 2000D R2, Mirage 2000D RMV), also a little Super Etendard Modernisé could come, all that of course before 3 column of 3 different Rafale, C after the -5F, B after the 2000Ds, and M after the navy line.


France is always advertising their exports.

Yeah just googled the stats. Vastly better than the Dutch D.XXI and even the Koolhoven FK58.

Too bad the R.38 never went into production.


What do you mean ?

You could also check out my suggestion for it ;)

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No devblog it seems

Suppose it’s a little too late in the day to expect one. Likely long weekend coming up for much of Europe so doubt they’ll do one Thurs/Fri. Friday is technically not an off day but most people take it off so there is still some hopium left.


I have hope until at least 17:00

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No chance and I wouldn’t hope for tomorrow ether as it’s a Russian holiday.

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no chance for today and tomorow

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if it’s this week it’s friday


Is the F18 likely going to come thie update?

It can honestly but I don’t think it’s likely. Performance wise A/C isn’t going to be amazing, and there are vehicles in trees that could get it that are ARH capable. Besides them being ARH carriers and naval fighters in the US tree, which haven’t received love in a year, there is nothing indicating it being added.

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Yeah thats what I was thinking too. I would not be surprised if gaijin added it for the f20/f5 sales

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It may indeed be friday but I would not bet on it. Victory day is tomorrow and it would not be far fetched for Gaijin’s employees to do the same as anyone else, taking the rest of the week off and skipping friday.

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this is why i’m doubtfull myself that it would be this friday , if it was this week it had to be tuesday

If the US is getting a new plane, I personally still believe the F-15C and/or AV-8B+ are the more likely options.

EDIT: at least for this update.


Yeah I think it’s gonna be in game by anniversary sale

This is what I was thinking but devblogs are prepped well in advance. Needs someone on Friday to just click “publish” somewhere and sorta be around if things go wrong. Heck, I’m around for stuff like that where I work this Friday too, maybe there is the same. Or not.