Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Anyone else thought the PLZ83-130 should have premium bonuses? PT-76-57 and AUBL/HVG have higher BR than it, well, granted they got moved up there.

All I care for are those new RP Boosters for new TT AND I REALLY HOPE IT WAS WORTH THE WAITING


You mean the F-15C? APG-63V2 was operational before the F-2A

Let’s be real, it’s probably a token amount.

After all, if it was a bonus they thought we would be satisfied with, why put it off for so long?

My biggest worry is that its only going to affect AB and RB and they’ll totally and completely forget that SB even exists (in addition to it having some horrible limitation or being a pitiful amount)

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They will forget SB i bet

They did in the original annoucnement for it. Just stating it would be “first 3 matches of the day”. All my questions about how that would translate to SB (normally something like 30 mins for boosters) were ignored

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Are we talking in testing or something? Quick google shows me that APG-63(V)2 was fitted in 2000, while F-2s first flight, presumably with operational J/APG-1 was in 1995.


Why does he look so unimpressed tho

Well, if you are Lenin and found out that after 80 years of your death ur involved in a video game that is so heavily monetized with your existence commending actions in game by playing vehicles of the white army, I bet you will look even more unimpressed.

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Yesn’t, The first prototypes of the F-2A flew with the J/APG-1 in 1995. The first batch of production F-2As rolled of the line in 1999 & entered service in 2000. The 18 15Cs to recieve AESA antennas completed refits in 2000, and the total fleet didn’t get AESAs until the E. The F-2A is considered first because it flew first, simple as.



Getting my meds ready for when BeNeLux doesn't come or worse....all the F-16's are Belgian.

(Sorry Mr_boo, those will still be awesome)

Expect at least two F-16’s for France if BeNeLux comes.
Both operated F-16A/B block 1/5/10/15(OCU) and at least NL did a MLU on their 15OCU’s.

Ideally 3 variants though, perhaps a very nerfed Block 1 with only 4x AIM-9J (lol), a Block 15 OCU with AMRAAMS and then perhaps the MLU of that foldered. Would be nice if one Block 15 is Belgian and one is Dutch seeing there might be a pre- and post-MLU so they both get a AMRAAM capable F-16.


how would they differ?

I mean the AMRAAM carriers


Block 1: Black radome, max 4x AIM-9J, smaller tailplane (and weaker engine? feels like Br 11.3 or something lol)
Block 5/10: Same as first F-16 in US tree (so no sparrows)
Block 15OCU: Don’t think it’s there already in game but basically the same as 5/10 but than with AMRAAMS
Block 15OCU/MLU: See Taiwan MLU F-16, half glass cockpit and slightly wider HUD

would love the Fronch tree to have F-16s like the Swedish one has Leos

that’d be a selling point for me

however I don’t personally think they’ll add 2 very similar F-16s, I much more believe they may have a skin for the other nation

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Well the Block 1 and Block 15 MLU are so far apart, I’d say we can expect at least two.

I think the OCU = the MLU version.

Tbh they dont really need them mirage 2k and 4k are good enough imo

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they would bring a Mirage 2K alternative with more than 4 missiles

and the Block 1 would bring a Miragw III alternative

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Yeah, BeNeLux isn’t really needed at all I think but I’d just like to see them in game. Ideally their own tree but if they are coming to France and theres going to be copy pasta, might as well add them.