Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

last time I checked canada was on the American continent

could be wrong tho, could’ve moved to friesland

Yes of course. Its part of the USA continent.



na I refuse to participate in this here argument

I’ll rather eat my Cheese bread and enjoy the evening

Reminder. Quebec didn’t want to be independent.

They just didn’t want to pay the Federal government anything.

They wanted to use the Canadian Currency, Passports, military etc. They wanted everything they get in Canada without having to listen to the government or pay for those services.


I see that my ploy to rock the boat was worked.

Damn colonists causing trouble again :P

Draw the countryballs bickering.

rather draw them waiting for a devblog

Actually thatd be pretty funny.

Draw russia on a throne as usa, france, and britain (canada in a mask) are fighting.

and germany is sitting in a corner crying about everything

This makes me picture a Scooby Doo unmasking.

It’s like let’s see what is under that mask. (mask is labelled British mains) mask comes off it is just Canadians.

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wonder Whats behind the next mask

Gave me an Idea hang on

With respect to the Type 10, I can get by the lack of information on armor and round pen values, etc. But mobility is something that’s just clearly demonstrated publicly showing the Type 10 indeed is much more mobile than the Type 90. It’s honestly surprising that Gaijin would rather model CVT than ahistorically buff the horsepower values internally and tweak other things just to simulate it.

Having one of the fastest, if not THE fastest, MBTs with some armor and good optics/pen would really make Japan standout at top tier.


Anyone else noticed how they rocked the Mistrals again? Now they go for flares like theres no tomorrow. Couldnt lock onto a Harrier until 2.5 km aswell

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they seemed to shadow nerf a lot of stuff, the PGM2000 now needs to be with in 12km to lock the ground (it says it can lock up to 50km)


I think this fits Hungary under Italy even more 😆

That’s what its starting to feel like lol


Hungary is a sub, India however has no public announcement about it’s placement.
So it odd why we are getting there Soviet things as well.

One of my main guesses is they are perhaps gonna add an Indian line to finish off the Vickers line.