Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Indeed. The JA37D in game is what the JA37C should be with a better radar.

Considering how hesitant Gaijin is to adding all aspect missiles to earlier platforms like the F-4E, I doubt they’ll get them, unfortunately.

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I think they may. But I think they’ll need to be added as a second airframe, at an appropriate BR.

For Britain the F3 might be required as a filler between the Current F3/Gr7 (and FA2) and the Gripen assuming it moves up.

But not sure about Sweden whether it “needs” it in the same way. But it could always come directly as folder below the current Viggen D

Kinda need loadout based BRs. Toggle an option in the modification page/custom loadout page to enable/disable certain loadout options and depending on that selection, the BR changes

The Tornado F.3 should definitely stay as is, with the AOP or CSP coming at 12.0 with AIM-120Bs, and whichever is later coming with AIM-120C-5s at 12.3 or 12.7.

The JA37Di should really be added with RB99s at 12.0 to fill the gap between the JA37D and JAS39A.

Yep. That would be the best way of doing it

(P.S needs to be the AoP variant of the F3. CSP doesnt have Data-Link, it would be worse than the current F3)

Is there another F.3 after the AOP?



Then the CSP should come with AIM-120Bs, and the FSP with AIM-120C-5s.

Again, probs should be AoP not CSP. But yeah, we could potentially get FSP.

Though… a second version of the Tornado F3, just with different AAMs is one thing, but a third just for an AAM upgrade… Would really suck. So it would need something BIG to justify it. Far more than just going from Bs to C5s.

It would also need ASRAAM

Though maybe they could also do with just skipping to the FSP. Adding it with C5s. Its gunna be a pretty poor airframe anyway. Might as well give it some teeth. An advantage over aircraft likely to be at its BR.

Im guessing Tornado F3 with AMRAAM is gunna be more like 12.3-12.7

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That’s what I meant, yeah. Autism and all.

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This makes me curious about other aircraft as well like the Chinese F-16 MLU and the Italian F-16A ADF. Will they get the historical AIM-120s and get bumped up? I’d think no. Aside from the F-4E you mentioned, same situation with the F-4EJ Kai not having AAM-3s it historically used.

I feel like the F-16C and Mig-29 SMT are high enough but it’s possible they might be placed as high due to their ground attack capabilities as well (which might change when the air/ground BR split happens).

The F-16C and MiG-29SMT had ARH missiles on the test, so there’s no reason to believe they won’t get them.

Pre-Hungarian tree for Italy. the concern is that it would leave a hole. Now? It could move up without issue. But maybe same again. maybe a second foldered under the first with the upgrade.

Gunna be really interesting to see how or even if they add to all the current aiframes.

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That’s true.

I’m curious if the other missiles were placeholders are ones that will be used? For example AIM-120B vs Darter/MICA/PL-12/etc.

I’m not sure if they’re comparable, since if they go that route, we might see the AAM-4 as well.

Imbalance is inevitable. The MICA-EM if not gimped to hell and back will be dominant for quite a while, and the PL-12 is also quite a bit better than the AIM-120A/B.

The AAM-4 is also quite big and weighs a bit more. I’m curious if that means they’ll skip to the AIM-120C variants then? Maybe leave the earlier variants for the already existing aircraft?

Japan tested AIM-120Bs, so more than likely an F-15J MSIP will get them.

Right. I’m just saying if everyone else is getting their advanced ARHs, then Japan can get theirs too. Since some of those countries could use AIM-120Bs too but don’t.

Not that it matters much, AAM-4 and AIM-120B are comparable WT wise.

Not all nations are getting especially advanced Fox-3s. America is only getting the AIM-120A and Russia the R-77, so Japan getting the AIM-120B wouldn’t leave it behind or anything like that.

It wouldn’t no.

Again, I’m just saying, if everyone else is getting their native AAMs, Japan can be one of them too since AAM-4 is pretty comparable to AIM-120B. It’s like AIM-9M vs AAM-3.

The AAM-3 really should be more manoeuvrable than it is, since it can roll to allow the use of twin-axis pulling, but that’s a whole other discussion.

As for whether Japan should get the AIM-120B or AAM-4, I really don’t mind either way, and at the end of the day, it’s up to Gaijin.