Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Eh, the newer chassis are alright, Spanish build quality turns out not to be great

It’s amazing what jealousy can do to people !



nah i never hope it to be a great tank anyway, i just want it to be a average tank

I know it takes time to develop vehicles. But i still struggle a lot with the dev schedule. How is it that France barely has any high tier beside MBTs and SPAA ? It’s a years old gap, and meanwhile we have user vehicles like the ERC90 that are just a few hours of polishing from being implemented in game as is. Vehicle that was also presented in the first thunder show that started featuring models, user missions and other stuff.
If those vehicles take to much time to implement from scratch by the devs, why don’t you consider these ki d of models ?


What is the forecast for devblog today? :D

One can dream.

Should I go touch grass or put a hole in my phone screen refreshing

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Both and neither.


I love all theses “everythings is planned” and “things gonna come don’t worry” and “things take time”, meanwhile we didn’t get any vehicle between 9.7 to 11.3 since perhaps 6 years or more.

For long years since our release, our average vehicle per update was 0 or 1, binary love from Gaijin, i don’t remember when but one year we were the nation with the less adds, but relax, “everything is planned” xD


You’d hope so and you’d think that given (from what i’ve seen anyway) that the most egregious balancing issues stem from some sort of Compression, that Gaijin might at least genuinely consider it, if not carry out some major decompression.

these 2 systems don’t protect the same layer, they are more complementary than anything else

as for Aster 15, it’s going to be upgraded with the EC variant, although it’s in a weird spot right now. The main missile of Mamba is Aster 30 however

“Don’t worry; we’ve planned for so much copy and paste.”


I mean forgive me but the Warrior CSP Turret (It’s got a proper name, I just can’t remember it), which mounts the CT40, isn’t that similar to something you guys use? Because now there’s a fair bit of crossover, so less effort?

I don’t know what to tell you. It wasn’t enough evidence, I’m sorry. I don’t like it and I may personally believe Challengers need some buffs, but there’s a fair amount of evidence that Challenger 1 and 2 are only really designed to be protected against 400mm ke.

I don’t really recall any bulletproof or conclusive evidence brought forward.

Japan in reality does not have so many vehicles that could be added.
Take MBT for example. Japan has 4 generations of MBT, Type 61, 74, 90 and Type 10. The number of their models is just above 10, and much of them have similiar performance, like Type 90 and 90(B), and Type 74(E) and (F). Japan only has one IFV and one wheeled scout vehicle.
USSR, on the other side, has several MBT families, like T-54/55, T-62, T-64, T-72/90, T-80 and T-80UD. They also have at least 3 different BMP families and the BTR-80 models. The Germans and the US also have much more ground vehicles in reality.
The reason why Japan can’t receive sub-trees, I guess, is its infamous history of aggression against surrounding countries and the poor relationship between them in reality. Adding vehicles from N. or S. Korea or China will definitely cause anger among the players from those countries. The same works for Israel. Now it seems that Gaijin has decided that Thailand would be a nice choice for the Japan TT.

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If you talk about specially this turret, no we don’t use that (afaik).

If you talk about CTA40, this gun is 50% developed by both UK and France, both have multiples vehicles that use it.

But we have hulls and turrets in the game that could go together and make some easy additions quick to model (like amx13 hull and Am30DCA turret for easy ~7.7 SPAA).


Japan has two IFVs, but okay.

Guys, this is not a wishlist topic. Lets please try to keep on track. This is going way off the beaten course now.


Then add sub-TT.
They could have gotten a sub-TT for almost 10 years now.
Like GB got Australia since 2014. So why couldnt Japan get Thai, Chinese, Taiwanese or Korean vehicles since 2014?

