Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

You’re being a real


Sorry, my YouTube is wonky and isn’t opening can you list out the premiums and new vehicles??? Thanks

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I don’t want my crew to die of starvation lol
(That’s a joke)

I’m guessing the NF-5 is since it’s mentioned separately.
Let’s speculate on that:

-BeNeLux air is coming with an NF-5 premium, hence the separate mention.
-BeNeLux ground or naval coming with just an NF-5 as air, hence the separate mention.

Either way, things are looking good!

Smh unless its unmanned like 2s38 its probably just a worse HSTV

A couple of configs,

  • 4 x AMRAAM (Outboard and Under Fuselage)
  • 2 x Sidewinder (Outboard) 2 x AMRAAM (Under Fuselage)
  • 2 x Sidewinder (Outboard) 2 x ADEN30 Gunpod (Under Fuselage)
  • 2 x AMRAAM (Outboard) 2 x ADEN30 Gunpod (Under Fuselage)
  • 4 x Sidewinder (Outboard Twin Rail) 2 x ADEN30 Gunpod (Under Fuselage)
  • 4 x Sidewinder (Outboard Twin Rail) 2 x AMRAAM (Under Fuselage)

For more info see this thread BAe Sea Harrier - Technical data and discussion


That’d be the one most go for I’d say.
Guessing those 9M’s?

Man, it’s always you with hints and teases


9Li or 9M more realistically.
Although ASRAAM as well in the future. Which would be funny.

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jog my memory, 9Li? Thats a 9L with an M seeker?

German made IRCCM seeker head for the Aim-9L that apparently slightly outperformed Aim-9M


Potentially. I’m personally planning 3x 9M, 2x AMRAAM 1x BOL.

(Or if it’s possible)

2X 9M, 3x AMRAAM, 1x BOL

60 CMs is probably not gunna be enough for the BR.

Especially if the splits CMs make them IRL flare/chaff count



Which led to fixes on late 9M models


Where do you have the information on outperforming the 9M?
From what i found online:
The AIM-9LI has improved IRCCM over the 9L and similar to early 9M (<9M-7).
The AIM-9LI-1 had further improvement on the IRCCM and is equivalent to late 9M(>9M-7).

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There is a report for it performing better, but I don’t have it. Maybe @Texas_Engineer_Mike or @x_Shini may have it.
I don’t know how much better and it can be subjective

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It never had the issues with the slow rise flares that the aim9m did. Pretty sure thats the better performance. Li-1 I’m pretty sure just uses the same seeker as iris-t which is just better than 9m.

That might be it. I don’t know specifics

I don’t have it on hand but it’s true that AIM-9Li performed better against flares than AIM-9M of that time. Apart from that it had pretty much the same performance except for lack of smokeless motor (obviously).

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I found this. No idea if its accurate but dude does seem to know what he’s on about

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