Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Morning, how is everyone doing

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The shadow creatures promise me that we get devblog today…

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It’s 7:30 in the evening here. I’m fine, just eager to see what’s in the dev blog

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Let’s gooooo!!!

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well, they better be coming in the next update. Su-25SM3 is killing everyone faster than it can rearm…

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theres nothing saying that there will be a dev blog today

i think the sea harrier could have 4 amraams


puttin’ the spam into SPAMRAAM, I like it.

Spamaraams lmaooooo

How dare you doubt the snail

tbf he was referring to putting a rack of SS.11s on the back of a flatbed, ala Ukrainian Brimstone launchers

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When dovbleg


None of the premiums on the list are marked as such on it, but there are premiums among them.


seems edited picture, any original source?

possibly any day of this week tho more likely its going to be at the end of the week or the next week

You’re being a real


Sorry, my YouTube is wonky and isn’t opening can you list out the premiums and new vehicles??? Thanks

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I don’t want my crew to die of starvation lol
(That’s a joke)

I’m guessing the NF-5 is since it’s mentioned separately.
Let’s speculate on that:

-BeNeLux air is coming with an NF-5 premium, hence the separate mention.
-BeNeLux ground or naval coming with just an NF-5 as air, hence the separate mention.

Either way, things are looking good!