Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

I think there were 3 german jets operational eith radar, or atleast test flew. 2 262’s and 1 ar234

One of the 262 versions was operational with 1 or 2 squadrons

I mentioned this before but I also have a hunch the reason France is getting benelux is to give them a fox 3 carrier that doesn’t have mica because they either don’t want to fix it or it’s too good rn.

But fat change AV-8B as a premium pack in rank VI

It would be rank 7 i assume.

oh we have that, we officialy made one, just nobody uses it and just stays in rumour and round up


No. We still can’t have politics there.

we cant have politics anywhere, thats completly banned by gajin


Also, I just realized what was off with RR&D part 2.

It hadn’t been pinned.

Over three thousand messages in and the pin hasn’t changed from the now closed part 1 to part 2.

That’s part of the problem. There was a discussion over Swastikas and the Hammer and Sickle imagery.
The community helper said to stop, then checked if the rules would allow it for off topic.

Tbh California is gen z so….

Im gen z lol

we have 2 even

there was a single seat and a twin seat Radar Me 262

it most had the old radar similar to the one currently found on Bf 110 G4 and some got the new Parabolic mirror Berlin radar (most likely AN/APS-6 copy) and some also had a Radar warning reciever

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Not sure about the radar, but after the war we in Czechoslovakia made few Me 262s in out factories. We called them S-92 and CS-92. CS-92 was 2 seater and i think it was used for training as it has less gun then one seater

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i dont count the british specific one

then we have 3, someone made Off topic #2 because he didn’t like that people actually use no 1 and said there were too manny messages there


for my own mental health i am not gonna respond and think about that

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So to be back on topic wanna talk about the Canadian Leo for Britain lol



oh yeah, we already discussed this, uk can have the 2a4 can, we found peace with that