Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

we also have functional night fighter radar on some german and US planes like the AN/APS-6 on the F6F-5N, while on other planes like th PBJ and the French Premium Catalina it’s in the Visual model but not usable

which is honestly rather sad

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I’d kinda like it for ARB, maybe. Reduced aircraft detection and AI gunner engagement range, but make it so only aircraft with early radars can play in these battles.
I kinda like the idea, because you have the Early Radar so you can still find stuff.

It is not. Terms of service annex 1, section 6. Thank you for asking.

Yeah, but just not enough aircraft with those unfortunately. many would struggle

but more weather and time of day settings should be a thing. Even not true night, dawn and dusk battles are quite cool

Solution: Add more aircraft with early radar xD

Would be nice to have a free for all channel. But the chaos that would end up there probably wouldn’t be worth it.

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Yes. This was a small number modified with them with a CF-100Mk 6 proposed to be built to use them.

The AIM-7B or Sparrow II. It was a joint US-Canada project that Canada joint after its diplomatic Air-to-air missile failed. It became Canadian only after the US pulled out and ended with the Arrow.

For RAF I would assume that the radar quipped typhoon should be the best choice.

if they were to fully implement it there are a couple aircraft which could get a radar Mod, at least in the US and German tree

those would be pretty nice to see but I doubt it as early radars are a very nieche thing not many people care about

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Theres F3D’s with 4x beam riding sparrows too!

Is War Thunder really ready for Fox 3? In my opinion, Fox 3 capable aircrafts should have their own BRs or something (except the really early ones).

Maybe a Mosquitto to? I think they had one

yes, the F-14 scare is long gone and I believe most players can deal with them now

Yes with the AI radars. But as of the current meta even for sims i guess its the smaller ones that gets favored unless targets are bombers and idk if people even play bombers in sim.

Now I want a ARB night battle event with WW2 Aircraft using Early Radar to help find enemy aircraft

I believe so too, I could bet I’ve heard sth about a Mosquito night fighter

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Me262 nightfighters pls with radar. Operated in fairly decent numbers.

Ah. I was about to comment on Project Wingman. But it seems you remembered.

That is the only domestic Canadian aircraft(non-licenced built) in all of gaming.

Not even the CF-100 is in a video game.
CT-114/CL-41 isn’t anywhere armed or not.

There is one game in existence with a domestic Canadian aircarft.

But I wasn’t happy if gaijin delay announced next roadmap of second major update til next week

No wonder gaijin not announced news in russia holiday

I just realized that the reichstag flag is a naval flag reward, thats weird, considering the only naval aspect of it is that the unit was commanded by Kuznetsov, but thats the closest connection.