Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 2)

Yeah that should work, their sights have pretty darn good FOV i really like that

They both are beautiful, but my heart definitely belongs to the Jaguar. XD
While I wouldn’t say that France is 10 years ahead of Germany, there definitely is gaps in capability in different areas.

Germany isn’t exactly technological pioneers when compared to everyone else. Same can be said for France in different ways I suppose.

i mean, france doctrine always was for more mobile stuff etc, so i can see why their lights are pretty good, germany focused more on the mbts which resulted in leopards being propably the biggest western mbt export

Yeah their biggest light tank advancement was pretty recent in 2004 with the PUMA IFV since for the most part they centered in MBT’S

I was specifically referring to optics in this case. France is definitely behind in many other factors. Firstly, they do not yet use any form of APS system (except the one found on the discontinued Brenus and AMX10RCR). They were also pretty late to the stabilised game (despite numerous prototypes, the EMAT did not want them before the Leclerc in the late 90s), and the lack of HMD until the Rafale F.4 variants, among others.

Anyway, going back to the leak list, i’am really hoping that Gaijin adds the correct VEXTRA variant. 2 of them existed :

with the main difference between the 2 being that only the 1997 offers a stabiliser. A high tier stabilised vehicle is warranted, and the unstable variant would not fit in the game imo (being to good below 9.0 and extremely lacking above, due to its excellent mobility and great canon and optics mainly)


Same issue here. Dont understand why the mods keep removing them.

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The 1994 would essentially just a different flavor AMX-10RC. But we ended up getting the MARS-15 variant that didn’t add anything of worth to bring into line ups.
It feels like they’re going with information a year or two late of what we’ve been asking for.


well, a better AMX 10RC in many ways still. Firstly, it uses the same 105 found on the AMX 30B2 and Brent’s (instead of the low power one on the AMX10RC), better sights (IRIS thermals which are currently 2nd gen but might go 3rd gen at some point ig), and better top speed (with worse manoeuvrability and no hydropneumatic suspensions)

I am going to somewhat disagree here, though my knowledge of this system is incredibly limited. As far as I’m aware, it is correct that they did not stabilize the gun, however the gunsights were. The FCS was supposedly able to fire the gun only when it was aligned with the sight. Obviously, this isn’t as useful as having gun stabilization but they did have a system that improved accuracy on the move or short stops.

A stable gun sight would be nice, but it definitely isn’t the same as the gun itself being stable.
France did have them from companies like SAMM that made stabilized fire control for the gun as well, it just didn’t go anywhere until the Leclerc for actual procurement.

I’ve gotten contradictory infos about this still. From what I understood, there was some type of auto tracking (and not stabilised sight, for that only the commander sight of the 10RC/10RCR actually is) found on the Brenus and 10RCR to which the gun would slave and fire only when in the correct direction. However from what I have heard neither the 10RC nor the base AMX30B2 did have those features, so it’s at best a late 90s thing, still later than other countries actual stabilised vehicles (M1s, Leo 2s, Challengers…)

Edit : to be fair, I haven’t actually had any concrete infos on either it’s existence or not, so take what I say with a big, big grain of salt

I would’ve preferred the Warrior CSP as well … but something is better than nothing
Still not sure if the desert warrior’s gonna be premium or squadrdon … but the CSP’s defo gonna be in TT in future.

Leopard 2A4M CAN nation hidden specifically for debates here =)

Who got the last Canadian stuff ? Germany and US, right ? since Germany already has plenty of Leo 2A4, US might actually get it lol (or as a squadron tank for Germany, which would be even funnier)

Even if it did, I have reasonable doubt that type of FCS would be replicated in game, so we’re stuck with them being wobbly goblins. Admittedly I find it interesting for this part of French military history they went so long without gun stabilization.

First reason is because they did not believe it was useful at first. Then it simply because they were stalling for the Leclerc as they did not want to spend money upgrading AMX 30 only to have them removed from service shortly after

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Leaked for germany by gszabi, it’s a leo at the end

Will probably end up as TT, could end up right after Leopard 2 K.

Might end up as premium tbh normally this vehicles end as premium

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