yeah it does but I also just dont really enjoy the BRs of 5.7 to 7.7 hence why i have almost every nation therre and just stopped, I got past there on russia so who knows might take russia to top tier, and planes I find props incredibly boring
yea I hate grinding too but I like props and capable jets
I’m not really actively grinding ever since I finished the German Air tree, I’m more just playing around in low tier planes, then this annoying research finished thing shows up every once in a while and now im sitting in a viggen ffs
im not gonna lie I might play french costal if it looks good, ive been enjoying the lubek a lot in the german costal tree
Ah, I’m going to have to grind France for the Dutch Ram IIs and Canadair NF-5 aren’t I? Oh Belgium’s CF-100 as well…
Yey, soviets will get 30%wr too.
Joke all you want for the shape of our early warships, but our French ironclad “Redoutable” was the first warship in the world to be built in steel x)
Hehe. Yeah. Im not that big a fan of the lower BRs. I enjoy the odd game in a spitfire, but in SB its just too slow paced for me and flying in SB props without yaw pedals is just exhausting. Maybe if I buy some.
So I instead stick to the higher BRs normally. Having a blast in the Sea Harrier currently but also been dusting off the Hunters. And if I want anything new, there are a load of British aircraft that I somewhat skipped. Recently went back and spaded the Javelin, kinda fun in SB. But I also play a lot of mud movers like the Jag and tornado.
I am planning on getting the Mirage F1C when its on sale next just so I can skip the french props and I need to spade the Event Mirage
the French copy nobody and nobody copies the french
- Ian MacCollum
Yeah come ! Up the numbers of players for us ! This would bring us more toy, and i’m sure you gonna enjoy your journey (except Tier 1 but now it’s okish, it’s far better than it was at the release xD)
Gun Jesus, my favorite American xD
glad so see some culture in this forum
I was looking curiously and he released 5min ago a new video about an American Chauchat, have to see that ! :p
He started the vid talking French, that with the last leak list, damn what a day !
Gib f4f ice.
Gib Swiss F-18C )))
@Hyrikul I know you will know what could come for the french costal tree, anything that you might think will be fun?
I love french predreadnought era warships, but i cant lie and say they arent offensively ugly.
Thats kinda the charm though.
He speaks for all of us.
im accepting that it’s possible that it wont come this time around
Id be surprised if it didnt.