Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

erm… is that obj 477


is it just me or did that gif not load for a long time

It and the 195 were both mentioned in the 292 devblog, so makes me wounder if that was a lil hint

guess large calibre tanks is something the soviets will have a monopoly on for a while yet it would seem

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I’m surprised they didnt make capable SPAA premiums yet.

Of course, Russia needs more new toys to play with. Let’s ignore the states that Israel, France, and the UK are in.

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(Forgets Japan - which is in a even worse place)

Shit top tier SPAA - why is that thing even 0.3 br lower then the pantsir.

Decent lineups but very mediocre tanks for their respective br.

Bad low tier experience.

No TT plane additions below rank 6-7 added in over 3 years.

4 years if you dont count the A6M5 HEI.

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no the link was bad

yes lets do that

I think 140 leo will be the next. 195 and 477 is too early.

the Type 81C is a solid SPAA honestly better then some of the other 11.3 spaas lol

It’s situational, and it’s just outright inferior against helicopters that stay low or far away, not to mention how vulnerable it is to weather, and your reliance on just your eyes and ears to spot targets.

What makes it so good on paper is really that fact that a lot of pilots often throw caution to the wind in ground RB and arnt used to fighting a IR SPAA.

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No, Japan is not worse than France and Israel.

And you wonder why you’re not well regarded here.

do you have it?
If yes, you know it won’t lock to helicopters at 3.5km away or further. Also, no radar, 6km all aspect lock (versus 20km guided bombs).

@Smugspite checked your player card. You are at 6.7 Japan. So what are you talking about. you have no experience playing that thing.

Not to be an ass or anything. I just can’t believe what you said - since it doesnt make sence. The type-81 TAN SAM is the worst spaa at the br. Even the russian 10.7 tungaska is better.


Sorry but it still does, any aircraft that can maneuver to get its fox 2 fired first has a big advantage. F-15 vs MiG-21…Su-27 vs F4E even if the lesser aircraft had the same missiles (Heck, Gripen vs Su-27, RIP Flanker) Very silly examples but they make the point, yes more advanced missiles can make a lesser airframe better…but when it comes down to the merge…your better missile wont save you if your opponent has vastly better flight performance on top of a HMS.

What is there to add to Japan though? France and the UK have much more to add but doesn’t Japan already have all its in-service vehicles?

There are more type-93 variants.
Also, they could just at some stationairy box that acts like a radar.
Or otherwise just at the radar and radar missles to the type-81 tan sam.

Which is also weird… Russia can get blueprint ships, vehicles that were never used, vehicles with no stats available (2S38, bmp-2m dart round). But Japan can’t get their radar missle (that exists, stats are available) because it needs a extra stationary box that acts like a radar.



My 317 has passed to devs)


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