Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

real give me the harrier Gr9

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I just mean the brits will complain if it comes as a premium and french complain if the uk just doesnt get an iFV lol

GR9A give

What do the Brits have to do with anything?

something something waiting 5 years something something

brimstones my beloved

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Okay, but the Sagaie has nothing to do with Britain.

then why should I complain if your not willing to complain about that lol


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Speaking of Sweden, I’m annoyed that the CV90’s (yes that includes the Strf’s) don’t have their IRST/UTAAS (Universal Tank and Anti-Aircraft System) :(

(Excluding the Lvkv 9040C)

P.S I wanted to put the link to the UTAAS but I decided not to.

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python 4

If the Gnat is premium I will scream. Ain’t no way our most meta fighter is a premium…

Unless we got a TT Ajeet but either way it would be infinitely better to swap them the opposite way around.

its whatever im just gonna complain if we go yat another update without fixing the lack of an ifv for the uk

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Okay, however the issue is significantly larger for France, and as such, I will swim all the way from Australia to Europe and then run to Gaijin HQ in Budapest to yell at them.

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yeah im not gonna argue that but I still find it dumb nations that havent even been in the game for 5 years have more IFVs then the uk and france


Boah this thread has been argument after argument, we might need yet another leak list

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If we count the Lvkv 9040C, Sweden has five, which a sixth having been datamined.
Britain has three if we count the Fox.
France has one in the tech tree, which isn’t even really an IFV by in game standards, and a premium one.

Tis indeed quite the disparity.

Same for missiles

Remember them saying that despite behind decade newer than Igla, there is no way for them to imagine than NATO developed superior missile as Mistral and Stinger ?

“They look the same so it’s not possible to act better”, something like that


the amx10 is an ifv aswell but I guess this doesnt count

Igals in game just pull of the rails

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