Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I’m not saying it should be 2A7V counterpart
2A4M CAN, at least in the config that was said in suggestion (low quality gunner thermals) would fit as an 11.3 pack for Germany (equivalent of M1A1 Click Bait or Chally 2OES or Merkava Raam Segol)

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Spall liner was the last big mistake yup.

If at least everybody got them… But no it was mainly the nations that already have some of the best tank.

I don’t think it’s better than the Leo2pl and the Leo2pl is already worse than the Aims. Altough probably both are better than arietes

I guess I didn’t clarify that I used the 2A6M as an example for a counterpart to the 2A7V for the British tree. (this comment of mine is probably going to spark some fires)

Ngl I don’t know what the hell is going on anymore with how frazzled my brain is from last weeks work

2A4M is pretty much an 11.3 tank. It’s too good for 11.0 and too shit for 11.7. No matter what ammo you give it.

It would pretty much be a 2A6 with some slat armor on the side in game.

something that is stupid as fuck is gaijin removing the 5 second reload from the challenger 3TD because “well it doesn’t have the lap ready ammo rack” then proceed to make the abrams have a 5 second reload with a ready rack over triple the size of the lap ammo racks. Oh and removing the spall liner from the turret because “well its a new turret we dont know if it has one”


We all know their handling of nato post-cold-war mbts is clownish. We’re all in the same boat here.

while claiming for the next reload change that reload rate is a balancing stat

Well it is true that you can’t lap load a 120mm smoothbore round. It can damage the casing.

so why does the abrambs load in the same time as lap loading but every other mbt that has similar loading to the abrams such as the leopard 2s and the challenger 3td not have a 5 second reload?

reload rate is still a balancing stat. Look at the sturmtiger or some t-34s which had 20 seconds plus reload rate irl

US suffers I guess

Meanwhile Ariete:

yeah, at least japan got their more accurate 4 second reload while back

The Leopard 2A7V is quite a bit better than the 2A5, but okay.

Doesn’t really make much sense for the Abrams in particular to get a 5 sec reload though, it’s pretty much the same as any other 120 smoothbore.

What it means isn’t that Germany should be held back, but that other nations should be pull forwards. Putting a nation that is doing well down causes more problems than it solves.

thats the point I was making lol

i think the turret armor is worse for some reason on the 2A7. For me it wouldn’t be a problem if gaijin admitted that they doing this for balancing reason for example make the hull armor on the strv122 better because it has less fire power and worse thermals. But gaijin right now is just dismissing evidence that the 20 year newer tank has better armor

yet adding to a nation that is doing well is only gonna make the problem worse not better, they cant add to Germany without having to add a lot more to the other nations in the same update otherwise germany will just continue to stomp with sweeden