many nations are spread across multiple trees with their vehicles. It’s not a canadian problem and gaijin certainly doesn’t hate canada like many claim.
Both vehicles have just no relation to britain. I created 2 topics about a light tank for germany in tier 3 but I still don’t claim a greek m18
I don’t think the 2A4M would make germany stronger. More like the other way around with level 9 players leaving after 1 death. Despite it would probably 11.0 or something and not 11.7. Gaijin needs to decompress tanks next update either way. right now tanks like 2a5 and 2a7 are on the same br and etc.
New plan:
German mains start coping about getting the 2A8 with trophy
Brit mains start coping about getting the vickers mk7/2
Everybody shut up about the canadian leopard
tbh if they actually fixed the challengers so they were somewhat meta or didnt go out of their way to nerf the 3TD as much as they could I wouldnt mind germany getting the 2A4M but when they say they are “fixing” the challengers but that doesnt include our actual top challenger and refuse to add any of our domestic options people get pissed and ask for foreign ones
and the 2A4M wont be an 11.3 I would assume but fair enough lol, also not to mention like Renzo said multiple nations actually lack an effective counter to the 2A7V
fix? they should just try to balance all top tier mbts even with fake buffs. Gaijin knows not enough about most tanks and should just give in to create a balanced game. So yes the challenger should get a big buff