cool you asked i answered
at this point I would take a british high tier ifv as a premium lol
The difference is that Britain hasn’t been treated like this. They’ve been getting a handful of high tier light vehicles over the last few years, however France has got none other than the premium VBCI.
alright bois how long until the first devlog is predicted? 4 days? this friday?
That’d be swell!
I’m betting on a Gnat
or ARH so it’s out of the way as it’s already confirmed
wait already? arent blogs late may?
the holy Spreadsheet said very soon
damn… time flies
ok the sacred document sat it’s Laser designator for the first blog on the 6th of may so next monday, but I believe gaijin will have it on thursday or friday instead
Average listed as 6th, predicted listed as 4th.
It’s Friday a lot of the time, so the 3rd or 10th are my guesses.
I am aware
let’s see what awaits us this time
Microwave version 😅
quickly defrost your leaklist and it’s scrambled. Hate it when that happens.
Dropped into the deep fryer instead of my b0llz n this is what came out ((((((((
Ah well, if that’s the case, my bad. it would certainly make more sense then provided they go with the original loadout and not the Tartar modification. (Having the choice for both versions would be nice).
pretty obviously
M8 Jesus at least blur out the name