That is indeed a problem, especially since the T-80U could and should have been the Leopard 2 Improved, since it won, or the Leopard 2A5, since Sweden got some to upgrade to Strv 122s, and the Mi-28A is a premium, so it isn’t necessary, but because Gaijin operates on the philosophy that money is king, we have it. As for the Kungstiger, it could easily have been any other vehicle.
The EAP, however, makes sense not to add, since it was only a tech demo and wasn’t planned to be kitted for combat.
Gaijin with other countries: We will put prototypes behind an event/ paywall but put in-service vehicles in the tech tree
Gaijin with France: We will put prototypes behind an event/ paywallandput in-service vehicles behind an event/ paywall
sooo if that leak is real the 2a7+ is for both ger and hun/ita right, and is the 2a7+ don’t come with extra armor like pso or is it a researchable mod?
Yeah. I know lotsa Fox 3’s are coming and pretty much expecting another rank 8 premium where the choices can’t really go wrong so not really hoping for anything specific. The mentioned MiG-21-93 is an obvious choice to add.