Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Funny to talk about Canada like that when a big part of it have made French it’s official language xD

Quebec is also home to the huge hydro stations and dams that supply energy to a large part of Canada and USA, honhonhon. Give us vehicles or we put you in the dark !

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Nothing said it was coming as the German premium. that is something the Germany mains made up.

it didn’t have a nation. and other leaks said it was going to two trees.

But why would it be spread across 3 tech trees? Germany actually builds their own MBTs and has VASTLY more equipment than Canada, not really comparable

tbf that is the reason the T90 was added to the uk (even if people begged them not to add it but instead a vic from a more connected nation)

Yeah… i mean everything related to a specific nation.
All unique/fun looking vehicles have been implemented as an event/battlepass/premium.
Those things are definetly going to be one of those.

Which is ironic because people have tried to claim pretty much almost every military vehicle ever made for the british tree at this point.

One it was leaked and not datamined
Two never was mentioned as a premium
Three is not definitive

It was said by Gszabi

Blame Gaijin with added at T-90 form a nation how may I remind you HATES the UK though it.

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He only said its coming, the Premium part comes from “MEOW”

As I said, the Brits will be delighted to take it off your hands… much love xx

tbf a lot nation mains have tried to do that as well I remember one guy trying to claim something because the 2 nations speak the same language it was a good few months ago

Yeah, it’s in the specific suggestion threads for each, if you want a good laugh there’s also a US main trying to claim both cause LMUK is the UK branch of LM, I personally don’t want a aus-boxer.
My only skin in the game is wanting to make a lineup with the candats, Lavs (when they come) and canadian MBTs. I’ve said it before, the best compromise for the playerbase is to let people make line ups independently of research trees where the operator country aligns. But that’ll never happen.

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Yes, And by the way, Britain has a purchased T-80U
(but they add Indian T-90


so if Israeli markings + foreign crew = Israeli jet

then does French markings (mostly) + foreign crew = new French IFV??

/s here, but would be cool to see in-game


At least we are not part of this, don’t remember us claiming UK vehicles.

I’m certainly not a German main.


Man I’d just take the Nimrod at this point. Yes it’d be the struggle bus of the century, and it’d have a random modifier “to catch fire” but goddamn I want to hunt the invisible nonexistent Submarines

Imagine if the duel monarchy happened would have been truly blessed or cursed

Nah, things like that for Gaijin don’t work for France, if not it would upset a lot of people