Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I mean, I wouldn’t be surprised if Gaijin added that to France before an indigenous IFV)))


I mean a Swiss Subtree probs should go to France… yet so far the only swiss vehicle in game is a British built, modernised Jet that’s ended up in the Getman Tree.

Go figure

duel monarchy? I don’t get your sentence.

full new game, even naming is other

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I thought France didn’t like Quebec because they are stuck like 3 centuries in the past.

Eh most of Quebec plus come form a PM who almost destroyed the country and is part of why our military is this bad.

Probably something along the lines of the French monarchy having the throne in England for a long while (all brit vics to france!!!1!1!1!) idk?

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Well i can’t talk at place of all France but no, we have no problem with Quebec.

I have online friends from Quebec and even some far family member (one of wich come to my house some month ago as a little visit), really nothing against Quebec.

We usually joke (in a friend way) about their accent but that’s all.

Upset a lot of people you say?

Well, at least it was put into service unlike a certain target practice…


You can just make out the registration plate

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the scenario where King Henry 6th never died of disease during the 100 years war and ended it early with the unification of the French and English thrones

Yup, this kingtiger would even have more sence to put it in the French TT, but people gonna flag me if i start saying that Sweden got every love possible, more than some other nations.

na english king on the French throne lol

Tf did i just come back to? Oh well, bring back the Angevin Empire!

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shh dont worry about it just go back to your business

Move UK and France to the Italian tech tree, both were part of the Roman Empire

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It is weird how there’s not more panthers/ex German tanks in the french tree, they are quite important parts of french tank design post war iirc.

Or move almost everybody in Europe under a Napoléon TT xD

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Glad it ended well.

Can you guys stop using French as your motto and on your passport now ? Thats always feel strange. xD

Ah, stand me corrected then, I honestly just wanted to make a all gb stuff to fr joke

Lot of captured German tank, lot of landlease US tank, but nothing coming, not like we want/need them, but when i see other nations getting things because they were close to the vehicle one day or used them for shoot training…

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US is made up of formally French and British colonies you take the tanks, we take the air?