Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Well at the absolute least the GR.7 MAWS (which while modeled entirely incorrectly) is here.

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Also Leclerc’s glacis can now be penned by 3BM60, even when it suppossedly shouldn’t, unless it’s an armor preview issue. Used to provide around 575mm KE, now it provides 555; and can be penned by shells that theorically don’t have enough power at certain angles… same happens to Challenger 2/3’s hull, as well.

Hopefully this is just an armor viewer issue, though.

Also, Leopard 2A7V still has worse armor than Strv 122s and that the early Leopard 2A5 prototypes from the 1990s.

Sorry for the sudden spam, I am just a bit disappointed because I somehow expected this update to fix all/most of the MBT-related issues and… it really didn’t, it got even worse in some ways, in fact, lmao.

At least Leclerc finally got its 5 second reload and a new sound, I guess…


Incredibly happy to see that all the Hungarian aircraft that got additional camouflages had some that could be unlocked! Also, they are very pretty!

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God im now also averaging 30 FPS when i used to average 120+ what the fuck did they do


Gaijin where are these vehicles?

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So, no hidden vehicles this time?

Doesn’t look like it.



Missed opportunity to set up a new tree for next patch and research bonus
Oh well

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We likely already know the main theme of the next update anyway, so I get why a new tree likely wouldn’t happen.

Unless you want your new tree addition overshadowed by other additions being the main focus of the update, Italy style.

i would’nt mind a new tree like a coastal still lacking for a certain nation even if the main focus is fox3 x)))


It’s not really a big deal to me, but generally speaking I get what you’re saying.

Fox-3 seems likely next update but not really 100% certain, I figured they’d delayed the research bonuses because they hadn’t finished the tree quite yet.

they already stated that ARH missiles are coming in the second update of 2024 so I dont see them not coming

I don’t think the changes are finished yet. I might be wrong but I’m pretty sure it was said they arent tied to the update.

Hopefully they just modelled the “nerfs” before they model the buff’s.

If not CR.2 is just going to end up going down which is somewhat of a win.

it wont go down, as much as I wish it would it will stay at 11.3 because its being “fixed”

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AMRAAM SoonTM hell yeah


Well it’s looking like the next update will be another nothing update to be.

As said fancy missile means nothing to me. As I don’t care for jets much.

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Just adding a new type of weaponry really not gonna impact the number of vehicle the update gonna bring, everybody could get new toys.

It’s not because fox3 are there and than perhaps the name and “focus” of the update is about them than nothing else will come ^^

Well I wouldn’t say that as one nation will grow from another

Gaijin, for the USA tree, why would you add something like the M60 120s which is basically another Abrams? There’s plenty of Abrams already geez and USA could use something different - such as the LAV 25, this would be a nice addition. Look at all the Soviet vehicles with autocannons and other nations as well. How about give USA the LAV 25 with a competitive autocannon to go along with the Lav-AD?

There’s tons of Abrams already this was not needed nor requested as far as I know.

There could have also been Spikes added to the German PUMA, since you’ve added a “PUMA” with Spikes in the Lynx to Italy.

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