Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

for once I must agree

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It’s not about “control freaks tryhard sweatlords” it’s just trying not to make the game any more frustrating than it already can be.
Now personally i don’t have a strong opinion on this so don’t come after me, but i would rather not add another mechanic to get “gaijin’d” on unless i’m 100% sure how it’ll be implemented


that is a valid point to make, however I still support this mechanic

sign me up for the trials when it fails

I don’t hate realism. I hate stun locks.

And War Thunder, believe it or not, is a game, not real life.


Losing control is frustrating to those whom wish to have fun.

Damn how can you be so salty over a mechanic that’s not even implemented yet, go for a walk idk

Oh no no it’s not if war thunder players want to be realistic as much as possible then we need to pull out all the stops

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It’s just another thing that further increases the gap in performance between top tier MBTs and nations.

Stun will only make armored tanks like the BVM, 2A7V and Strv 122s even stronger while making tanks like the Ariete, Abrams, CR2/3 and to some extend the Merkava and Leclerc weaker.

The latter will be seriously oppressed by IFVs, in particularly by Swedish and Russian IFVs.

EDIT: oh nvm now I see why you have no problem with those tanks being made weaker.


Surely stunning will make armour less meaningful? Granted we aren’t sure what might be implemented nor how, but I see that it might negate heavy armour since stunning shouldn’t rely on penetration.

I’m concerned that vehicles like Brummbar and AVRE need some utility, stunning is a way.

And presumably the CTA whenever that gets in, also HSTV-L should benefit due to the rate of fire.

That’s a fair point, but that should be something that could be addressed without buffing autocannons with it

As weird as it may seem, I’d it’s pretty much the samy as anything else that is changed about the game play “for realism”.

Now you can pick and choose, but at that point “I don’t want to pay 10M for a new Abrams” becomes the same as “I don’t like stun mechanics”.

Everyone has their preferences, and insulting people over disliking a gameplay mechanic that can get you killed out of your control (Something unpleasant for just about most people) in a video game meant to be fun is not the right thing to do.

Like stun mechanics all you want, but be civil about it.


Stuns will super buff IFVs more than anything else. Guess who currently have the best cannon IFVs?

Russia and Sweden.

And guess who’s MBTs are hardest to frontally pen for IFVs?

Russia, Sweden and Germany (2A7V).

What most of these tanks have in common (except for maybe the Merkava) is that they are all super easy to pen from the front by IFVs, making the stun mechanic super opressive for them.

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But I think the weaker autocannons need buffs too. Stuff like Bushmaster and the 20mm ones.

Large cannons like the M103 and Conqueror need to be able to do something when their shells don’t pen or bounce or shatter.

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No, wanting to have fun and being a control freak are not even remotely the same.

As for your second comment, strawman.

I’m a new player and I heard vaguely that there will be a Sale this coming May. So let me ask, what vehicle packs will Gaijin sell and what percentage discount?

From where I’m sitting, what a stun mechanic should do, and seeming promises to do, is buff the capability of non-penetrating or low damaging weapons, that being the majority of weapons.

I’m not really seeing that being stunlocked or whatever 0.1 seconds before you were going to die anyway is going to make much difference, but if we’re talking about WW2 heavies slugging it out or making howitzers more useful, or even just the less well performing cannons.

If the system is somehow based on energy of the weapon, we could see that AGM-65 can do something really useful.

The further the game gets away from sheer instagib territory and closer to authentic damage models where things have their real life effects, the better.

At the moment a major game balance issue is that there are certain guns which are super effective because you either pen or don’t, you either hit critical modules more or less directly, or don’t. Something that adds more gray area is a good solution to issues about over-performance of meta weapons and meta shells.

Not to me, since I am seemingly part of a rare segment of the playerbase who isn’t enraged by basic mechanics.

I’m sure at some point unmanned tanks and unmanned planes will be added so you can enjoy gameplay free of simulated human limitations. Until then, I’ll advocate for as much realism as can be, at least in terms of indirect damage or weakness of human crew.

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It’s a good thing you aren’t one of those in charge of making decisions. Realism isn’t fun, regardless of what you would like to believe.

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Feel free to look at past examples.


At the end of the day this is a game not a super realistic simulator and i think stun mechanics in this game would be terrible

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