Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Id rather belgium than Netherlands cuz thats where the ground stuff is.

Still even as a ground rb ill admit that dutch fokkers are exciting.


The G1 is Fokking exciting, that’s for sure.


What about the boat disguised as an island!

Well, here is a leaked Brusselse waffle...still wet.



eww why is it wet


Dunno, cursed images on the interner today.

If they add Belgium they better not reuse Dutch voices. Say, my French isn’t so good, is Wallonic French as different to French French as Flamish is to Dutch?

Belgian French isn’t as different to French, only some minor vocabulary differences and the accent


Bo’lle of wa’a vs bottle of water?

Probably more, idk you can check the wikipedia page for Belgian French it says “They could be compared to the differences that might exist between two speakers of American English living in different parts of the United States or those between a Canadian English speaker and a British English speaker.”
Off-topic tho

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No that British vs American

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I have a mixed Appalachian/Southwestern accent.

Id say “boddle uh wahder.”


Maybe Grom or Smin can enlight us with information.
This so we can have a more realistic debate to what might come in the near/late future.

Perhaps not ask them directly, maybe more veiled. Something like…“is there a politico-economic union coming as a subtree where 2 out of 3 countries pride them selves on different types of waffles?”

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is there a politico-economic union coming as an independ TT where 2 out of 3 countries pride them selves on different types of waffles?

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It 's certainly possible from a technical perspective that they could hard-enable sights-from-optics in modes other than SB, but I can’t think of any time when they’ve expressed the will to actually do so.

If Option One on the damage-modelling poll passes, maybe it could be part of increasing the detail of damage effects to auxiliary systems - forced-sights that become no-sights when destroyed.

But I’m clearly biased when it comes to this topic, since I play w/ historical sighting location voluntarily enabled even when I’m not playing GFSB.

Speaking of historical sights, I’m still holding out for the possibility of the sighting grids and cupola periscopes from Enlisted being transferred here to WT:

They recently transferred Enlisted 's more detailed aircraft turret views for some shared planes, so it 's seemed more possible than before. And it 's not like they haven’t added historical sights to the base game before, the P.40, T-62 and T-64A already have theirs.

( Secret Historical Gun Sights added for T-62 and T-64! - Medium Vehicles - War Thunder - Official Forum )

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Today I learned T-62 and T-64 have had historical sights for years! O.O

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The P.40 also has one, I just wasn’t able to quickly find an image of it. Which is a shame, since it 's probably the one I’ve used the most.

the Jag is sort of a mixed bag

im still struggling to spade mine but I believe once I have it should be pretty nice for ground RB

it’s one of those planes that’ll majorly benefit from separated BRs

Yeah it should.

I think i might use it if/when we get a SB bracket where 11.0 is top. But right now, I dont massively see the point. Its a good aircraft though if you dont have the British Air tree researched, which is why I think it was added. As Britain has no premium CAS aircraft available to “skip” the air tree if you want top tier CAS

Wasn’t it Chinese? (Taiwan)