Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

With what Gaijin has shown with sub-trees multi-nation trees are a bad idea.

All the nations have unique stuff and the combo tree idea is to just have it but what Gaijin has shown they’ll just pick the C&P from them.

Well the idea is:
“More nations = Less C&P” Gajin would do it as “More nations = More C&P”.

Good idea in theory but in practice bad idea.


Poland would not be lot of US and RU tech in modern BR ?

A Dutch sub-tree without Belgium in France would be fucky even for Gaijin’s standards


PT-91 and it’s derivatives are based on T-72, but are largely a unique product.
Besides that you would get stuff such as BWP Borsuk and Rosomak modifications. Not so bad.

Aviation would largely be copy paste though

I know, i hope we don’t just gonna have Dutch but BeNeLux, and it’s not because this would bring more, but because only the Be in BeNeLux have strong and logical ties with France.

But for now we have only Dutch things datamined


Now days Poland would be a mix of domestic soviet style (e.g. PT-91), German, US and S.Korean stuff


Well we do have that Belgium flag so who knows ; )

I know but as i said this mean nothing, it can go everywhere they want, it’s not as much sure to come to France as the datamined CV and F5

It makes my hair stand on end to think that they’d rather copy and paste a CV than work on the armada of in-house possibilities we could have…

I do hope more leaks get… leaked, even a single Belgian-related thing would seal it for me
And the leak lists where are they!


True true

I’d rather have indiviudal vehicles be tossed around in whatever tree is most appropriate over adding it as a sub-tree to France.
Best of the worst options available.

He probably knows how to use real fighter jets since birth


i would rather the opposite

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A Belgium related things to France is all i hope now.

Today they brought some of our IFV and use some of our tactics.

They received some of our Griffon


Personally i’d much prefer a sub-tree if it’s not gonna be an independent tree, it’s more content and all within a single tree

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Leopards, CV90s, F-16s and F-35s in France? No thanks.

Domestic stuff? Maybe, depending on what we’re looking at. But as a whole? Definitely nah.


or they could create half TT, like how Israel and Sweden were first introduced with only one or two vehicles per rank of TT. They could create tree with no linear research necessary, and you use other countries or a single vehicle of that specific rank to research other vehicles of the Rank, and just add specific vehicles of different countries into it

[ Insert C&P common bad pov commentary ]

That would honestly be the worst way to add the countries.

Missing out on the most unique aviation and some very interesting ground.
If added independently then fully ranked wilould be far better option.

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F-35 will props be the reason for adding the Benelux as it gives France a stealth fighter option