Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Are you considering Israel?

Japan already has a P-51C

India really should get an Isreal-style tree.

They are one of the commonwealth nations better suited for a TT. Outside of the dominions.


or…or stay with me here. They could also just give the existing F-4E its targeting pod and missing weapons and move it to 11.3 instead of adding a whole new one…

especially since for strictly game-play purposes the DMAS doesn’t have any difference from the one already in game outside of TISEO which doesn’t really add much to begin with.

I also found it odd that SPAA had its own sights and that camera from tank gunner sight was hard enabled.

I wonder what they were messing with there or if it was just event related and nothing else?

( I could also just be reading into it to much like always)

We haven’t announced any new Sub tree for the UK. Simply we have said it is open to the possibility of receiving more vehicles from commonwealth nations.


In that case, I will still say that India should complement another nation and not Britain.
I found better TT for India

Leave thoses Mirages alone !

India should be its own tech tree, so we can have another redfor nation to help fix the matchmaker. Introduce India, and then fix the matchmaker by doing NATO vs non-NATO (India, Russia, China).

Either add India, or add another coalition tech tree made up of former Soviet satellites minus modern Russia (Warsaw).

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Why does the one heavy tank it seems Sweden might actually get have to be an event vehicle ; ;
Plus I’d like something in the tech tree more along the lines of a KV-1 and/or the EMIL/Kranvagn because those actually make sense to add. Yes, a Swedish Tiger 2 would be cool, but even I have to say it’s kinda far out there.

The concept is too boring. On the contrary, it is interesting to try the peculiarities of your nation in a battle against absolutely any other nation

What’s more boring is F-16s/F-15s vs F-16s/F-15s every match, or Leopards vs Leopard tanks.

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India with USSR is Jaguar and Rafale vs Jaguar and Rafale from NATO

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This got passed to the devs: Strv KRV - The swedish heavy to rival the is-3

So it’s possable.


Just because it has a couple of NATO vehicles doesn’t mean it doesn’t have a bunch of Russian vehicles like Mig-29 and Su-27. It’s still better than adding another NATO nation with F-16s/F-15s.

Also, Jaguar and Rafale won’t be common in-game.

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So I’ve seen lol
What BR would you think it would be? It’s a decently well armored auto loaded HEATFS-DS slinger so I think somewhere around 8.3

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India like Yugoslavia is part of the 3rd faction.

The neutral nations. So they have a mix of both Warsaw and NATO tech and could have ended up on either side.

If you want another red nation Poland or Checkshlovkia is a better choice.

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UK, Germany. And now Poland going Red?)))))

Poland was a Warsaw nation(even if it wasn’t their choice). they unfortunately had the time when a commie movement was forced on them.

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Poland and Czechslovakia themselves are NATO nations now and Poland has Abrams and F-16s, which would be more copy paste.

Though I wouldn’t mind them as part of a Warsaw nation.

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