Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I think there is balancing act. I get annoyed when BP/Event/SQV (and even premium) vehicles that are actually semi-needed on the TT get added as BP/Event/SQV additions. Especially when they never appear on the TT, even years down the line.

Like HMS Renown for me was an almost required farming for British naval tree as it gave us a second “top tier” BB.

Or when Sea harrier FRS1 a highly unique and important aircraft to Britain was added as an SQV and actually filled quite a major TT gap (they did eventually fix it, but took WAY too long)

But at the same time. I see no point grinding these vehicles if they already exist on the TT, and there is just minor differences

So it needs to be a unique addition, that doesnt add a capability that is absent from the TT already. But it also needs to be a usable/viable vehicle, (Jaguar IS for example, was a bit of a flop)

But where that line falls is different for everyone

I dont know much about the Coastal balance or the US coastal tree. So maybe its fine, maybe its not. I cant comment

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Could be me
I posted, then deleted the post and posted this one

I find battle passes and events perfect for C&P.

  1. it doesn’t take away unique stuff from the TT.
  2. in the case of tested it makes limited-use vehicles in real life, limited in the game.
  3. the only unique event stuff should be stuff that would have no place in the TT. so mods like the Churchill crocodile where they bring nothing over the TT one but a fun mechanic that isn’t needed most of the time.

Since we’re getting a boat with an interchangeable main gun … could that mean we might have a chance to get something like the Marder 2 IFV as well with an interchangeable (i.e Rh 503 dual caliber automatic cannon) 35mm and 50mm main gun?

BUT I don’t want Marder 2 IFV be locked behind BP!
It should be in TT. Period.


I’d really love to see Marder 2 added one day

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Yeah, would be good to roll it out for more stuff. Challenger 2F, TES and OES all have Leonardo Enforcer remote weapon system on their roofs. Which can be fitted with either a 7.62mm MG (as seen on the 2F and TES), a 12.7mm HMG (as seen on the OES) or a 40mm Grenade Launcher.

Would be awesome if all 3 could pick and choose. Would also be a decent little buff for the TES and 2F

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AGLs would be somewhat useful if it is not as bad as the BMP-2Ms one. HEDP should be able to deal some serious damage to IFVs and SPAAs, and fighting vehicles like begeleit and 2S38 would fare decently better, but things like PUMA and KF are still well, too heavy.

Yeah, Id probably usually run the 50 cal for that extra anti-heli power. But id love just more choice in vehicle set-ups

Perhaps this means the option to cutwing all the Spitfires. Dont know why would anyone do that, but an option would be nice. Or the modifictions to exchange between LF, F and HF modifications for certain spitfires.

possible, but that is a more major modification

F15A needs better wings

I think you missed something more important
Swapping armament on the wings

I could be wrong, so if anyone has more knowledge on this, correct me please.
Spitfire wings were split into few types
There is early one with 8x .303 machine guns (Mk.I), later one with 4x .303 and 2x Hispano (Mk.II, Mk.V, Mk.IX).
Later on, you get 2x .50 machine guns and 2x Hispano (later Merlin powered and Griffons) and lastly you get 4x Hispano

Well no, since it 's one vehicle that represents both configurations we can guarantee there will never be a tech tree version.

Probably not, the " AA Machine gun " modification seems to have been scrapped since it 's disappearance in 2019 w/o ever being used.

ERA and add-on armour is the most reconfigure-ability the devs seem to be comfortable w/, since they’ve defended their representation of pintle MG availability in the past.
Maybe the Mad Thunder ui is testing armour reconfiguration while in the spawn screen, but I don’t think we have reason to think that ground vehicles being able to switch weapons is a possibility.

Guys look like the event leak list is legit…


looks like Sweden is getting a King tiger as a event vehicle, and Japan a P51C

Well, i like ww2 stuff, but come on.

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Hi @Smin1080p
I would like to share one reasoning.

Bhishma, Vijayanta, Jaguar IS - does this mean that Bharat (India) will be a subtree for the UK?

I have almost finished one of the main proofs that India should belong to another TT. I have considered this issue from all sides.

  • The general attractiveness of TT if it is added to subtree,
  • Filling holes of BR,
  • The availability of premium equipment is better or unique than it already is in TT
  • The gameplay difference from what is already in TT
  • The economic benefit in addition (after all, war thunder is a commercial project, the developers set their main goal to be profitable)

All of these points are NOT suitable for TT Britain+India.
The idea of India subtree in GB - Stillborn.
I will be able to create topic about this in more detail in about a week, maybe earlier.

Just collecting proofs


Makes me want even more to have the coastal ship for France with the FL10 autoloading turret :p


Lots of ACs can pen MBTs from the front (especially the 2S38)

Also, IFVs or AFVs getting onto your flank is a regular occurrence if you play forward. It’s kinda their job to get on your flank.

Edit: sorry mods, didn’t see the no reply message :/

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All vehicles to the same tree does not mean a subtree, China could have all North Korean vehicles because they are based off Chinese designs, but this does not mean that North Korea is a subtree for China. Gaijin stated that they will add ex-CMW vehicles to Britain, but this does not mean any form of subtree. In this case, it was similar to Romania, where Hungary already took the subtree allocation(I dont like it, should be Romania), but Romanian vehicles would more or less go to Italy anyways.
Edit: vijayanta and shamsher are basically British designs anyways, the only controversial one is the bhishma.


It can be easily replaced by T-80U, that MOD of UK officially bought from USSR.