Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

  1. Yes, and I want to know why you think that will never happen. Stop dancing around the question.
  2. How do you know that Gaijin won’t introduce a system to allow players to only have to control the weapon vehicle?

Because it wouldn’t work in game

Enough you stubbornness and your “well you don’t actually know gajin will do that”

Of course know is 100% right gajin could shut down for all we know so how about you stop

I never said that it could right now. I explicitly mentioned altering the game.

As much as I love my F-20, i’m already excited for whatever rank 8 premiums might come to other nations next patch.
Ideally for me, China would get one but realistically I think we can expect one (or more) for the more popular nations like USSR or Germany. Any nation would be fine for me though.

maybe adding a mid-range AA field, somewhere out normal battlefield, a fixed AA position, with full aa system in control(launcher, radar). Each position can only be controlled by 1 player, who comes earlier who gets it, like AB air strike. And give planes anti-radar missiles, to fight with.

Thank you Gaijin, 11.0 Air rb is Unplayable now!

Not even close to comparable. When EVERYONE has a missile that can reliably reach 20+km from a low altitude, 2km or less, subsonic launch, then the KH-38 can exist. Until then it is BS to exist on its own

Okay, give guided bombs to the Su-27, making it the Su-27M, forget the pod even, just the KAB-500Kr’s, and you can have the Kh-38’s.

Have you played a lot on agm-65?
Do you know that it flies with speed like hellfire and it can be intercepted by any kid

What about deleting all “paper” specs from soviet vehicles?

Its literally just hellfire
Why you wait for it i dont know

F&F maybe funny though

If you can detect it, yes you can intercept it. My experience suggests all AGM’s are interceptable. I’ve even intercepted Hellfires (very small, hard to get). My Kh-29’s get intercepted from time to time too.

Okay. Let’s delete all “paper” spec from everyone else, why not?!?

Also the fact that the Tornado Gr4 and Harrier Gr9 can carry 18 of them and it outperforms hellfire massively

That has never been an inpediment to the USA, they can get guided bombs at 8.7 and agm65d at 10.3 and while most nations doesnt get them until much later…

But still its only britain feature
Also we all understand, that gaijin will cut number of rockets because its not russian rockets
But still i dont understand why it havent been added yet

How is only British feature

Guy said about harrier gr9 and tornado gr4, so i dont know whether it can be applied to other nations

Germany would get as well

Also the same type of seeker is found on the hellfire longbow

Some, kind of bias. When it concerns balance, it’s needed. Same for MI-35M’s 9M120.

Where did you get 18 from?