Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

AH-60 with 16 spikes or whatever, 18 brimstones in some future vehicle, but damn that one guided missile, only guidable one at a time on that one 10.7 USSR helicopter!

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yeh, that is some kind of over powered, but spike is not comparable to Brimstones. Load on heli and planes faces different situation. Brimstones need to be compared with Agm-65s. If see it as a 18km F&F hellfire, 6 Brimstones can do more kills than 6 AGM-65D, even G, considering it’s millimeter-wave radar seeker.
So unlikely we will see it soon.

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Well basically anything new for Britain that is domestic other then the F3 and FA2 will have them

Wouldn’t be the first time Gaijin added a vehicle without all of their ordenance/ammunition.

I was talking about balance problem, not technical. if balance isn’t a problem, I would like to see a jet with dozens of missiles.

Still better than hellfire on 11.7?

Russians will cry to add S400 and death star

Crying for 18 Brimstones, or blame kh38 seem no difference to me.

I didnt said for 18brimps, because it still damn hellfire

We dont have something like kh29
We don’t have something like kh38
Thats the problem

The issue if its not add the difference between it and the previous jet would be almost nothing

GR7 to GR9 without Brimstone only difference would be HMD and a different targeting pod ( Yes devil it should be the GR9A with the better engine im just making a point)

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We have only french nords, which are still kh25-29L opponent

AGM-65G almost equals kh38
PGM equals kh29
AGM-65D worse than kh-29 in damage, but better in other aspect.
you say no something like?

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Is that a statement or a question?

No death stars left. Patriot missile battery shot it down with 78 Su-34’s and 25 A-50’s last week.

AGM-65 is the equivalent.

I’ll record a video, 10m.pls

Wouldn’t be the first time in game this happens though, both in air and ground. Some examples I coild quickly think of:

F-104A and F-104C being identical.

SEPv2 being added while having no useful differences when compared to the SEPv1.

Strv 122A and 122B PLSS having small to none differences.

Rank V and VI also contain quite a few identical aircraft in folders.

The whole point of the Harrier GR9 and Tornado GR4 was Brimstone
Sepv1 and Sepc2 are different but in game tusk isn’t represented as it should
F104A and C difference are not as game changing as the GR7 to GR9

If they were added they would need Brimstone to make them different same thing with our next apache

only morning but there are already 2 updates

Off topic, but does anyone know if the Singapore Leopard 2SG would have spall liners or not?

why would a Patriot shoot down an A-50 target practice drone)))))

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So called equivalent


kh-38 will fly even faster, while agm65 will still fly to ground

also need to note, that i havent included in video how my IR agm-65 catched the ground…

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