Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

And slow enough I might have a chance to hit you unless you are really good at staying 10km+ away.

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You can’t kill me im huging the ground

I mainly use the Jag with laser guideed bombs and that does really well

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GBU-10, GBU-12, GBU-16, GBU-24 — drop limit of 1.01M has been added.

And no. Dropping GBUs or Mavericks from space is NOT comparable to launching essentially a cruise missile from a subsonic, 2km altitude and achieving a reliable 20km hit.

So why mention me?

Forget it, just take it as a mistake

I don’t think so, this commonwealth doesn’t exist now, historical colony connection against Political Correctness. Like I said, British Commonwealth is special, though it has colonial culture.
But the T-54M3 and T-54i are fin for Israel, with tech connections.


With a pod, side-climbing, it absolutely is.

You’re delusional for thinking this

Ah i see.

why need, you can launch it any time once locked, just slower.

If you can’t hit a target with your SPAA, and they can kill you, does it really matter how it’s done?

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more and more cas main want a weapon that can be fired and reliably hit its target without worrying SPAA

and here us ground main will struggle more to hit it with our 10 or 12km max launch range with less than that for effective range

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Im just hoping that the Addition of these new soviet missiles opens the door a crack for other nations to get equivalents. Like Brimstones :P


No too op

40km SPAA for Russia now


already, agm-65g, just little slower, but in better planes.

We’re all teammates eventually… :)

Thats literally the same missile with a better warhead

Not what @Morvran was talking about

Maybe when they Get S400s

Such subtrees as Hungarian air, which don’t have new models but only new textures, for a sole purpose of filling gaps asap, shouldn’t be hard to implement.
I don’t think they will harry up with the addition of Hungarian low tier planes, unless maybe people show some interest in grinding Italian TT now…doubt though.
PS on the positive note, since there are so many Soviet designs in the Italian TT, probably BVV_d will start to play it XD

Not a chance. Longest range thing USSR could conceivably get would be Buk M1/M2/M3. That would even be too extreme, not sure what the rest of the nations could even get to match it, Patriot would be immobile and too long range…