Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I belive it may be new wheel mechanics or a Menu mechanic that allows to select different presets of the same vehicle with different spawn costs

I think its testing everyone’s patience.


That too.

what track mate? its 4AM

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Because they got rid of crafting events that made April Fools into one.

(and of course, the ones you start with are based on my lest liked vehicles. The low-tier ZA SPAAs the other one is ok.)

yea but you’re not getting any main game vehicles right?

so it’s like an optional thing that you really don’t need to be mad about

since there isn’t really any pressure behind it the crafting system itself is a neat addition to the else boring event

so you’re trying to get back on track by Manually resetting your sleep schedule?

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The new April Fools event appears to be testing several features:

Large Dynamic Maps: These maps adjust based on the players’ playstyle.

Spawn Variations for Vehicles: Players can spawn in different variations of the same type of vehicle directly from the map screen.

Kill Markers in Real Time: Kill markers evolve dynamically. Initially, they are fully black, but with each kill (or “Fury”), a white stripe is added to the flag.

Improved In-Game Engine Sounds: There’s a possibility that the engine sounds have been enhanced. (This might feel new due to a placebo effect imho)

New Weather Effects and Dust Trails: Vehicles now interact with the environment, leaving behind dust trails and experiencing weather effects.

I will add to this as i see more within the NEW Event


Where is the actual suggestions list of March 2024? It seems that you have replaced it with an April Fool’s joke.

Suspension parts move

its maybe also testing some sort of pick item/troops and drop item/troops.

to be honest event this event is funnier than the main game, why dont they keep events alive, such a pity to lose them

if they kept all the events permanently nobody would suffer in the main game anymore


although tbh it’d be quite funny if we had all event modes that ever existed available


let me pay for them, 300 GE per event, one time payment. they win we win
off topic anyway ill stop

when will the event tank be announced dawg

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I’m thinking the same, i’ve also heard rumors that there is a 2nd part to the April fools event ? is this true

no idea but the current event is just bad like from all the things that they could have done…they chose mad max

but it says that this event is ending on 22nd of april so its not rlly any time for a part 2

Just curious, as previous April fools had 2 events running at the same time, as shown here on @magazine2 post on the [Event] Mad Thunder: Rage and Loot! - Official News, Development Blogs and Updates - War Thunder — official forum

the event seems very low effort so it would not be bad if they made 2 parts, but theres just no time for the 2nd part unless these will be playable in the same time

Yukikaze should be added in 1945 config.

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