[Event] Mad Thunder: Rage and Loot!

You can upgrade the “mad” event vehicles to have better weapons etc. To upgrade, you have to physically find resources on the map with your mad vehicle, drive over and collect them, extract and then you can use these resources to upgrade your mad vehicles to be better.

Additionally you need “Rage tokens” as well, which can only be obtained through destroying other “mad” vehicles.

Alongside this, there’s the cosmetic rewards (shown in the article) that you can get in the progression tree while upgrading your event vehicles. There’s no obtainable vehicle reward in this event.


Neither had vehicle rewards.
Entirely separate events ran at the same time that allowed you to gain event progress while playing the April Fools event, but the April Fools events themselves had no vehicle reward.

Nah, this’ll be fun.
Always been a fan of Mad Max and Crossout.


I will specify again. I am happy that there’s no Obtainable Vehicle locked behind the event, thank you for that. I am just unable to understand why there’s a need to include Crafting event mechanics to upgrading. We never had anything such in the past events


Just another grind… go back to what we used to have as FUN events that was not collecting grinding crafting crap…

What next extraction shooter gamemmod for ground that you will force ppl to play?? Battle mode is abysmal enough…and we cant disable it.


Such a waste of time, money and ressources development.

Stop the april fool so you can eventually lower the premium packs prices …


The rewards seem kind of lacking.

Maybe something like this would have been a cool reward (and thematic)


Universeller Sfl. (e) mit Panzerschreck

I’m sure the event will be fun but I can’t see myself playing it much.


Every event this time of year is different. In previous years, we would have a crafting event and an April fools event at the same time. The theme of this event is heavily customized vehicles with typically home-made and random parts (like the movie series this event is based on), so having resource collection and upgrading using these resources makes sense with this event.


pass for me this time


Thanks, but no thanks.
If I wanted to play Crossout I’d play Crossout. Pass.


No it has completely no sense to tie everything to crafing/grind/time limits. But i bet we gonna be able too buy parts on overpriced market…
We used to have fun events back in the days that ware without all this crap and were hugely fun and successful.
At this rate you can rename all Event into Grindvent

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The market is not involved in this event.


What grind? There’s only event.
And if you do well/play long enough you get bonuses.

Pack vehicle prices lower every year from inflation.

This isn’t a vehicle event, this is April Fools… so why should there be a vehicle reward?

There’s nothing to grind for…
You should read the post before posting yourself.



I guessed right!!!

A while ago when Dune came out we had an Arrakis-style event, then with Avatar 2 in the theaters a Pandora-style event…

Now a new Mad Max franchise movie in the cinema (and Dune 2, but we had that one already…) I thought “hmm, mebbe somerhing Mad Max themed…”



The grind to get those bonusses. The grind to get the 3D-decorations, decals etc.
Also to grind throug the progression tree

and the grind to get those resources.

Calling this not a grind, would be equal to saying, that you don’t need to grind for the different skins of like the F16 C. You just need to play over and over to get the required kills/points to get it.
Same with modules (like the different secondary loadouts), or titles like “Ace”.
To get them you need to play over and over matches.

Here a definition of grinding from the Camebridge Dictionary:
to repeat tasks many times in order to make your character more powerful, get more useful things, etc

Like with the tank football you have to play over and over again to get the neccessary actions for the different decals, the title etc.
This is still a grind. It doesn’t matter if it is an event or the “base game”.


They are really efficient in developing a new gameplay
So when can we fix those ISSUES?


In my game this event is not available at this moment, is there a problem with my install?

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I assume we don’t get RP and SL for this event and we’re just supposed to waste 3 weeks on it?


Hi, it starts at 11:00 GMT. This is in ~25 minutes.

They fix issues pretty fast if you play correct nation

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If they combined marathon with 1 April event, well, this is deftly made