Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

ive been up 16 hours maybe I should go to bed lol

Around the start of WW2 it was almost a thing, that we become “one” country

What a nightmare for everybody


I just realised it say welsh fuck it to tired to fix you get the idea

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Something tells me the south will rise up again

I know. Hoi4s latter stuff has historical roots, unlikely the early stuff that is even missing stuff on their historical side.

Togther for Victory moment.

All brit mains want this for the next update:


Challenger 2 Camouflage nets should be removable
Challenger 2 camouflage netting


You guys have modern MBT premium with camo net ? :(


No, just png of one :3

No we have one with shit smeared over it, hopefully they update it

ngl thats one disgusting camo net they put on the challenger xD

Exactly the reasons for those suggestions, they are so outdated

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well no technecly (for a extremely stupid reason yes , but still)

that was the forum for last update


We will not add a premium that will help make a lineup, because there is not lineup already…

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Yeah this excuse make me angry.

They let France 10.0/11.3 in a rude shape, add nothings for years, we have nothing between 9.7 and 11.7, then it’s their excuse for no premium?

They just don’t want the French winrate to go down with premium, this would force them to work on it and couldnt use “yeah but you don’t need that because stats say…”

Want to know their excuse on the 2 earlier Leclercs that are on the same BR as the late one but start with heatfs stock.

Just a big mess… Lets see what their focus on resolving the 9.7/11.7 gap for France gonna be, i’m already ready to laught.


Just give France a UAE Leclerc and if anyone moans its pay to win just say this is a special case or something France needs a good high tier premium

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Well no. They are pretty clear and say that they don’t want to give top tier premium.

They say that for France case of no premium for ground, but it’s strange how the update just after telling us that they added the F-20 for USA.

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How likely do you guys think it is that MIG29SMT will get R77’s? Considering talismanning it now during the sale.

I know that it doesn’t have an IFF interrogator but that’s on the IFF not on the radar itself

very likely, it had them last dev server when ARH missiles were tested

Gszabi, any news on the SEPv3?