Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Any chance to see subs and/or more advanced ships?

Of the one hundred and eleven ( 111 )* vehicles listed in the data mines for, fifty ( 50 ) have been implemented.

*The former number includes vehicles which were leaked here, but are actually for Darkflow Software games such as Enlisted and To The Sky.

Of the seventeen ( 17 )* maps leaked at the same time, only one has been implemented. It 's Breslau.

*Including maps for Enlisted.


Yes to both


Speaking of “To the skys” I hope they implement the same mouse and keyboard controls as they do here in WT

Nice what years are they going to be coming from? Any guided missile carriers? Any aircraft carriers? Anything else super cool that you found? Also thanks for all your leaks there really fun to look at and imagine what it would be like when they come! Keep up the great work!

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The oldest ship-launched missile ingame is the RIM-24A on USS Douglas, there is also an S-125 in the files listed for shiplaunch use

The basic land-based model was used from ships while the dedicated naval version was developed, in the period 1963-1967.

The newest naval missile in the files is the Type 90 SSM, entered service in 1990 as you may have guessed:

Pr.1143.4 Baku already has it 's SSM launch tubes modelled, and was fitted to launch the naval variant of Tor which is also in the files:

USS Forrestal(CVA-59) had a launcher for Sea Sparrow when it was first introduced in the update " New Power " devserver, but this was removed at update release due to being anachronistic for the refit she 's otherwise modelled as being in.

That weapon is now available on the JDS Takatsuki in WT Mobile:

We found that controls and AI behaviours to operate them have been added here. WT Mobile also has them, they also announced plans to introduce playable carriers.

Since some of the carriers and most of the controls in that game 's files have already been shared, it appears that WT also plans to implement them.


I’ll be honest, I don’t play naval at all, but if they introduce carriers and subs id probably play it more. but they would still need to change some mechanics such as not driving for five minutes to actually fight enemies


Honestly im cool with that

These two from the list better make it in:

  • Cessna 172
  • Cessna 208

Mainly the C-208 with a Hydra’s or 8 Hellfire’s would be interesting:

Watch no dev reply on my message because they know the vautours suck, but they wont do anything against it.


Totally agree with the statements om the Vautours, but don’t expect dev replies posting here. If you’re lucky you get feedback from a mod, but likely not.


Make me wonder if the heli’s are apart of that game to

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An AC-208 would be a heli that doesn’t hover with those speeds 😂
I have about 800 hours on regular C-208’s and very excited it appeared in a leaklist. Would love it in War Thunder.


I mean the German one with like no armament @Motherhen357 props knows what I mean.

They are not for WT, as it states in the linked datamines.


H145M uses Spike missile, but that weapon didn’t exist ingame when it appeared in the file leaks.

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Noooooo. But thanks for clearing that up, i missed that.

Dreams squashed.

Honestly gaijoobles could revamp the heli line by adding scouting (making early, largely unarmed helos viable) and adding light aircraft like L4s and Hs126s.

Fixed wing should always go in the aircraft tree, unless if they add researching heli’s by fixed wing like they do with tanks.
They can however put the high-tier-low-speed-fixed-wing-aircraft in subdirs if people would otherwise think they get in the way.

Ah, the COIN(was it?) or whatever problem whereby specs they are all low-tier vehicles but due to weapons they’d count as high-tier stuff.

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