Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

like the KH-29 yet it can be used against ground

There is evidence. The only issue with it is that the bomb searches for the target by itself, not the player.

So in game it’d likely target the impact point it’d have as a free falling bomb, then locks and tracks the target closest to that point upon seeker activation.
Though this is speculative, as search patterns and FOV aren’t known.

It can also be carried by any Japanese aircraft with Mk82s or JM117s and the carrying capacity for the additional weight of the guidance kit, so that includes a variety of interesting aircraft.
Some with CCIP could be rather precise, while those without require a bit more careful usage.

Does anyone else think we need more top tier IFV’s? It seems top tier is 90% MBT’s, 5% IFV’s/uptiered vehicles and 5% SPAA. I would love for HIFV and IFV’s to be more fleshed out for top tier, and theres plentoy of options for most countries.


The issue that lead to them not implementing it was the lack of evidence of the GCS kit being able to detect and track tanks. See the definitive statement:

( Mitsubishi F-4EJ Kai Super Phantom - Page 11 - Japan - War Thunder - Official Forum )

That’s a bit frustrating considering we already have weapons in game that IRL would struggle with or probably couldn’t detect tanks or moving targets, and yet can in game


Also a suggestion for those interested


And since then a lot more information was found including a JASDF (I believe) graph showing ship and tank IR signatures in the same area.

Not just that, but we already have IR air to ground munitions.

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This looks like a really nice suggestion gonna need time to have a look

I don’t think we’ll never see GCS-1 ingame, w/ Exocet now in the files it seems like they’ll add more dedicated antiship weapons in the future. But their understanding of the GCS system appears final; they most likely wouldn’t have decided to go to the length of creating the F-16AJ for guided a2g capability if they thought there was a serious possibility of the EJ Kai having a similar capability.

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They have tested it before IIRC and I don’t really see why not. The hardest part is modeling it in a way that’s useful, seeing as how there’s a lot of wrecks after a certain point.

Hard to say because things change. At one point the Type 81C was labeled unable to perform without a secondary vehicle and since then information has changed Gaijin’s stance.

Granted this was it’s primary purpose, Mavericks and GCS are very different in how they would effectively function (Mavs being superior, in day time).

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Gaijin knows that MBTs sell better than anything else. It’s the same with air, where fighters are always added first (the Tornado IDS was an exception, due to it being a very famous aircraft).

The 2S38, whilst not being an IFV is still one of the most prolific vehicles at its BR. We could have the T-15 be in the tech tree and Kurganets as a premium and Gaijin would make tons of money. There are also more options for vehicles to be added.

There are always exceptions, and I was just saying that as a general statement rather than to cover every individual situation.

Fair enough. But 10.0+ BR bracket has existed for quite a while now and with new Rank VIII I feel like its the proper time to expand that category of vehicles.

Indeed. Germany, for example, has nothing between 10.3 and 11.7 if you don’t count the Leopard 2PL, and don’t even get me started on France.

To be fair those should be filtered out for being too bright.

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Ho-Ri, J2Y2 Kai, T-80U, Mi-28A, and there are controversial ones, F-16AJ and stuff. If these standards work, then where is the centauro lancia?

ho-ri was misconception done by misinformation mainly by the main source since it was the only source at the moment, R2Y2 barely even made it as prototype; and R2Y2 KAI was planned but only put in paper Gaijin did it at the moment because japan had and still has a massive lack in top-tier planes, It is somewhat justifiable since at that time everyone started to have jets. The T80U together with the MI28A, was trialed in Sweden, and its not hard to find them and has been used before in various posts around the forums.

In hindsight they should have saved the XF-2A with APG-68 for last December update while everyone else got F-15As. Then the F-15J MSIP when everyone else got their F-15Cs.

The way they’re doing it is kind of weird because the next logical step is the F-15J MSIP given ARH focus, but they skipped over the SARH focused XF-2A and F-2A early. I would highly doubt they’d skip right to the F-2 late with AAM-4A either.

Not to mention we have Thai stuff thrown in the mix which muddies the water in what Gaijin will do.


It looks like one of my countries traditional dishes, just random shit thrown in.
