Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Hi, sorry for the ping but, between the presumed Turkish TT and the presumed Hungarian air tree, which is looking closer to realization(or makes sense)? According to what can be exposed.

Turkey, what. When did that nonsense appear?

Just the fact that the F-20 is a premium(and wouldnt fit the US, Germany and China for different reasons) and it gets into the same leak with another premium a Turkish leo
My theory tho

Yet germany got a swiss hunter


Like I posted above, everything that I explained as a hint for Turkey could just be coincidences. But still, the Turks would be cool.

It is certainly one of the Mondays of all time.


Id prefer Yugoslavia
Or combine them and call the TT balkan, the forums will turn into the balkans, even more immersive.

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On it’s own is fine, adding others (unless it’s one of the less controversial countries as a sub-tree) would not really add much while also being discomforting.

Yup. Yugoslavia is fine on its own, with an emphasis on modifications and improvised upgrades, such as the T-55 IGMAN.

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JDAM such as GBU31 and 32 are limited to the Italian One.
The list of weapons of the ASSTA3 are the following:
(That Is what Is stated by the Bundershew Site or whatever It Is )

I’m not sure why people are “presuming” a tree here. We haven’t announced any new nations or said a Turkish tree is coming.

If we have news on something to announce, we will do so via official means (website and forum blogs).


So 1 or 2 weeks and we will know if their is one or not
A new nation i mean

Sweden wasn’t announced until the dev stream, so don’t be surprised if the same thing happens for the next nation.


Ok hoping next update i get my beloved


wishlist is the other way

I mean my Turkey theory is a bit reliant on cope and reverse thinking the gaijin way

But smin is probably very surprised and be like: you good? What? Turkey?
Still, its around the time for a tree or subtree, which could just be the Hungarian air tree.


Yeah italy would get a AMRAAM plane by Gripen

The AV-8B+ is an AMRAAM capable plane, and Italy also mounted AMRAAMs on its F-16s.

Not gonna happen, we know it will end in a fulcrum because gaijin dislikes Italy