Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

I thought they didn’t mount it to their f16s my bad

I assume the AV-8B will not but the ADF would, namely the AV-8B would be better keeping its BR for CAS.

I was more referring to a potential second F-16 being added with them, maybe an F-16B bl 15 ADF.

I have been summoned

A German is here; everyone run!

That or the F-16B BLK20 OCU, but given that it requires a new model exclusive for Italy, maybe less likely.

so Suisse F-18/F-20 talk is already over?

Yes as we would get nuked if we went back on it

Well, namely the fact that Germany got a premium last update, and another one here is weird. Yeah the F-4S, but I would say thats a special case since the TRAM is issued with all other tier 7 premiums.
As of the US it would be just a TT plane.

aren’t they planning Seperated BRs ?

iirc that was in the roadmap

stuff like the AV8B would benefit from that

ok ._.

It’s literally a US aircraft. How does it not fit in their tt? And most importantly how is Turkey more fitting?

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Yes and no(and no this is not a yes prime minister reference), since giving it amraams would make it air battle capable as well, which would see its br raised in terms of air gamemodes.

Yeah their are planing to separate brs so maybe it would get AMRAAMS

I mean it would be a researchable TT plane instead of a prem, they have 3 tier 7s already.

Its ARB BR wouldn’t affect its GRB BR, though. It could go up in ARB and stay where it is in GRB.

can’t wait to see my SC1000 carriers at 8.7 Ground BR

The chinese leaker said a turkish leopard premium is being worked on, thats why some think the turkish tree is coming, when it obviously is the rank 7 german premium


still doesnt mean anything, germany could get it, but i doubt it, just has no correlation to turkey realy

No Dovbleg and we are already almost at Part 2 ?
Jesus Christ