Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Hmmm I don’t see it as a rank 8 premium unless if they give it 4x Magic2.
Kinda weird to have a rank 8 premium that has worse A2A load outs than the rank 7 premium. All though I wouldn’t put it fully past Gaijin to sell it as a ground pounder only.

If it is the air reward for the new event cycle. I could see it.
And the premium is just a trick.


L2NG or L2SG imo. But who knows, I think about Turkey only when I look at other evidence, ie, the delays on Hungarian aircrafts, decals teased etc. But everything can be explained in another way, slow movement on the Hungarian air subtree because well, gaijin hates Italy, decals teased as a holiday reward, and the F-20 is indeed depicted as the one offered to Taiwan. The F-20 might even be event since the format got changed but I doubt thats the case, since gaijin knows clearly theyre sleeping on smth big if thats not a preorder.

The 2NG is the turkish developed tank add on xD just gave it an alternative name ,
2SG is possible but what would make it more likely then the turkish version?

As its currently its just more likely the german premium, everything so far indicates this

Well not really performance wise, but the fact that Singapore will have a hard time to find representation before coalition or regional trees gets added.
Still, every point that I consider could be a hint for Turkey can be explained differently:
L2A4TR: German
F-20: event/as offered to Taiwan
Decals teased: holiday
Delays in Hungarian air force: smh Italy
Time gap between trees or subtrees: perhaps its just Hungarian air force
Buryatkar model: one off asset with no intention to be used in gameplay

I would agree to that, if i wouldnt have heard multiple UK players asking for Commonwealth 2SG to be added into their tree

I’m going to half to argee with Shini here and the Turkish leopard is a German premium.

besides don’t air and ground trees come at 2 different times?

Honestly right now the F-20 is looking like an event vehicle. And I believe it’s for the upcome air reward for the next event.

I mean for every argument I made for Turkey, I also know how to explain against them. The reason I wanted Turkey is perhaps sociopolitical memes while playing them so uh idk.

So, any QoL changes probably coming?

Only ones we know about are those outlined in the roadmap

This is War Tinder; there is no life to have a quality of.

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That plus the CV-90 with the 25 foot camera mast

min 50:28 BVVD starts to talk about this, he said 2 times that the ARH missiles are coming in either the first or the second update of the year, they are working on a few planes that can carry this type of missile because they want to have all the nations reciving this type of missile at the same time, soo… with this in mind we already have a lot of platforms in the game but some nations are lacking: Germany, Israel and sweden those 3 nations are missing a modern FOX-3 Carrier. (for sweden am not counting the Viggen D because we know that the Gripen C is confirmed to come in march).


Current implementation of Israel was a mistake**

Still waiting for plenty of light tank / support vehicles for Israel as well as other Merkavas and different APS variants for them


Germany will be F4F-ICE
Israel will be one of their F-16s or their F-15

Just to clarify regarding this and your previous comments:

F-2 and ZBD-04A are supposedly wrong; and premium/event status of F-20 and Leopard 2A4TR isn’t guaranteed or final


Israel can get Kfir C.10 tbh



Neither of Israel’s F-16s can use AMRAAMs.

Sufa :)

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That isn’t in game yet.