Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

to be fair all dataminers get some stuff “wrong”, ie they do datamine something correctly but gaijin makes changes internally due to whatever factors maybe model not being ready or just not wanting to release X vehicle yet so its held for a different patch


Happened once before and turned out to be legit so still haven’t completely disregarded the last one yet.

Yea, the contents of the leak might be true, even if the person posting was an imposter.

The biggest reason I’d put any merit in these leaks and not disregard as complete fake is because it’s posted in the same place (and presumably the same person) that leaked the last two updates with good accuracy.

That’s the part that I’m hoping is true, but realistically it might be for the June update. We know the F-2 is coming, we just don’t know when is all.

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Yeah, also people from sifferent departments overhearing chatter at the water cooler/coffee corner or something.
It actually makes it fun to have some range of possibilities until the patch drops.
MiG-21S premium being snuck in was one of my favourite patchday surprises.

God I hope were not getting the Scimiar next patch before a proper 8.7 ifv

I’m starting to think, perhaps unbeknowst to her, Olivia is being fed leaks by Gaijin for people to get hyped.

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wouldnt be the first time a company does that

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honestly the best thing would be the patch being like the real big one for UK for the year with a fleshing out of the UK lights (ie Scimitar,Scorpion, CTAS warrior and then maybe Ajax alongside the CR2 Remodel thats in the works) but i do doubt this and at a realistic best it would most likely be something like Scimitar and Scorpion (as its a quite easy Copy and paste to just change the guns out)

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Yeah, just like “viral marketing”.

I just want something above 8.3 my man, legit every warrior after the ingame one has a stabilizer…


This is how I think of it,

  1. What Olivia said is true and it’s is an imposer
  2. Olivia could be lying and hording content to herself or to her closest friends.
  3. This Chinese dude is atcually Olivia hiding in plain sight
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Chinese dude = Olivia = Anton trolling us when he’s on the can.

All good, as long as we get leaks.

We’re still talking about the F-20 etc leak? Or did I miss something?

Whats Olivia’s reddit page again? Can’t find it anymore (am not that read into reddit)


Reality is probably much simpler. The leak is probably framed as being from Olivia for name brand recognition to get more views to the Chinese leaker. I mean it worked didn’t it? We’re all talking about it and even Olivia herself had to post on the forums to deny it’s her.

No need to go crazy with ideas lol.


Lancer FMP please gaijin



Any how, anyone got an idea how big the update is expected to be considering its the first one of the year?


anyones guess, but generaly bit bigger, since there was more time in between compared to the last ones

I trust the Chinese guy still, but it’s a lil weird that someone might try to pass it off as Olivia

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Yea this is why I’m on the fence for it alll

Don’t agree, 50kg HE warhead is enough to kill every vehicle in game, Like a super guided S-25, which has 58kg TNT. KH-25/29’s warhead just provide the chance to kill 2 in one shot which has a very small chance of encountering this situation.
The problem of AGM-65 is the unstable damage. 830mm pen is too low so it can’t kill if hit in wrong place. And as a HEAT, the Overpressure radius is limited, so you can only overpressure someone by hit on the roof.
But with a HE warhead, this is no problem.

You can probably take a guess from all the updates listed here, but I’d imagine same size as before, pretty average which is still decently sized. Interestingly, last update was actually fairly small content number wise, but in terms of the content we got, it was pretty epic.