Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

It might be ligher too since its original sea harrier airframe? I would assume the GR7 gained substantial weight with the upgrades and the Multi mission technology integrated in it?

Good dogfighters???

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I dont know, maybe. Im not expecting a huge increase in top speed. Likely will max out at about Mach 0,93-0.95 still. But will probably accelerate quite well.

yeah Im pretty good at dogfighting in them (newer ones). the later models like the Gr7 and italian AV8 have leading edge extentions now for higher angles of attack before stalling.

they have insane acceleration and fuel economy. The late models do not bleed energy as easy as previous harriers.

Min fuel late model harriers are pretty deadly. The GR7 also has an ungodly ammount of CM.

Not to mention both have high velocity laser beam cannons lol.

Aim9Ms too. Now potentially Aim-120s? Lord have mercy.

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Never under-estimate some good VIFFs. I nearly 1 vs 3ed Mig-29s in the Gr7 in SB. I got 2 of them before the third got me. If I had my MAWS, I would have likely survived and won that fight

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I don’t know about SB but in RB a MiG-29 losing a dogfight against a Harrier is a skill isssue.
F-4E probably should slap it.


not quite, they are good for climbers but thats about it, i feel like theyre useless post merge

keeping lock on someone going away + needing the missile to keep tracking is not easy so they dont excel there

That can be done with Super530D as well as AIM-7.
R-27ER nearly always is useful even late into the game.

In the Gr7 at least you have 700 CMs, and good low speed handling, its fairly easy to dogfight those aircraft if they dont know what they are doing.

Though I miss the good old days when the Gr7 was first added. No one knew how to fight them and were expecting an easy fight like the Harrier Is. I got so many kills in those first few weeks it was hilarious. Then they nerfed the 9Ls and people begun to learn how to fight them.

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I only play Air Rb.

No F4E cannot. I have beaten tomcats, 29s, Yak141s in 1v1 and have been beaten by them in the harrier as well.

I am not saying they are the best, but they are capable, and I always approach with caution. that’s all.

They are really good ambush fighters and can dogfight really low to the ground while some aircraft cannot due to roll rate like the Mig29SMT.

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i always drop them, i only manage to shoot one off because the meta is ground hugging

unless(as i said already) gaijin stops making the ground a safe space and make people learn how to dodge them, all radar missiles will be useless

IF they don’t know what they are doing…

Usually if I see a Harrier I start drooling.

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I strongly advise to keep them. You are missing out on many kills.
I’d like 4 ET as well as 4 ER but I would not say I’d rather have 4 ET than 4 ER.

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Also depends if the Harrier knows what they are doing. Something to bare in mind as well, is that a huge power of the Harriers is VIFF’ing. (Vector in forward flight). It can be quite tricky on Keyboard and mouse or controller to configure VIFF smoothly. I use a dual throttle for SB and it’s a doddle.

they are also insanely good at reversals too, when faster jets dive on you it is the most satisfying reversing them and gunning them with either the high velocity 25mm ADEN stealth rounds or the high velocity F-35 25mm GAU cannon.

su27s cant carry 4 r37ets regardless

Yeah. That was an IRL tactic, slam the nozzles forward into the breaking stop and at the same time perform a barrel roll. The aircraft behind you then magically appears in your cross hairs a few seconds later.

If you havent read it yet, I strongly recommend “Harrier: How to be a fighter Pilot” by Paul Tremeling. it is awesome and almost mandatory reading for the FA2 and Gr7/9

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That only works against people who have no idea what they are doing of course. The hovering is a a bit broken in War Thunder but even then the next guy should wipe the floor with you if the first did not manage to extend.

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My point exactly. Even though I would love to have 4 ET, ER is so good that I’m not crying about not being able to have 4 ET either with 2 more pylons or due to switching out 2 ER for ET.

Do you follow?


Probably late response (was in battle) but oh well…
Yes, the FA.2 most likely is faster than AV-8B
I like to call the FA.2 “Gen 1.5 Harrier” since it has some features of 2nd gens and some from 1st gens.
Big difference is that FA.2 was designed for fleet defense while AV-8B went through major redesign to have better payload capabilities.

AV-8B is slower due to new bigger wing and LERX but that same wing also gives it edge in turning fight.