Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

im not crying either tho if thats what ur trying to point out

First a little to slow now a little to fast.^^

I’m just trying to underscore how useful R-27ER can be to you. No matter at which state of the match you are. You will not always be able to use all four of them to great success but that is the case fpor every missile.

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But some fighter, cannot slow down like the harrier. Its just not in the cards.

Keep in mind you are a Mirage expert mostly. That is the biggest threat to the Harrier imo because it retains all the abilities to turn with and cut into the harrier and light enough to stop and go with it.


Sure thing but not many aircraft I’d call a fighter struggle against Harrier unless the situation has been misunderstood. We were talking about MiG-29 at first as well…

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Yep, nothing can brake check as well as the Harrier IIs can. I wouldnt want to dogfight something like a Gripen in the Gr7, and I dont have a huge amount of experience fighting F-16s (due to SB mostly being against soviets, and so aircraft like the Mig-23 and Mig-29) but i have punished more than a few Mig-29s in the Gr7 and it is hilarious every single time. The only does struggle more in a furball envrioment. Better suited for the 1 on 1 engagements in SB.

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MiG-29G with airbreak below 1100 km/h without afterbruner?
Like multipel others as well.

Sure if yo uunderestimate Harrier everything can happen. I speak fro mexperience here as well, but objectively the Harrier should have no chance.

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SMT has issues dogfighting a min fuel harrier.

You are comparing it to the best Mig29 in game brother.

All we said is it’s a good dogfighter. Not go toe to toe with the best aircraft variants in game. lol

However give them Ms and Aim-120s. The Jet is going to be something not to be trifled with.

it better it will be my favourite

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I’d rather take the Tornado F.3^^

Also what if the SMT is on min fuel. The SMT still is one of the best itself.
Sure you need to manage your energy but I see Harrier as a CAS platforem which has reasonable chances of trying to defend itself against some aircraft…


Yeah, I’ll play the FA2 over the Gripen C all day long without question

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its crap. It is underperforming imo.

Devs believe the extra 2000lbs of upgrades degrade the performance as seen in game. Not much sources out there to attest or contend.

the SMT has an insanely crap roll rate too at any fuel state. The jet is limited on alpha more than any other in any fuel state as well. It appears they desire it to be a more long-range boom and zoom instead for longer range missions.

It falls out of the sky rather easy. It’s heart breaking.

I’d have to see what they are actually like, but the fact the Gr7 can go from Mach 0.9 to 0 and still be able to fight is not something to mess with and thats without also adding in some turns to bleed speed as well



Does that work while turning? Otherwise you are fodder.
If it does all the enemy has to do is extend or rate you in wide circles…

While I realise SIM is of course rather different to RB that is the territory where a SU-27 or MiG will simply utilise some supermaneuverability to sick a R-73 on you and gun you if it did not hit.
At best I see a hovering Harrier trade with the other jet when guns are being used.
If the other comes fro above to do that you might as well start losing control.

Of course that is what might happen if the enemy is playing your game. If not they do nto want to they should be able to extend nicely and just boom and zoom you or rate you.

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Something you also have to consider in SB is that you have no markers to keep track of the enemy. If you the thing you were trying to fire at suddenly disappears because they have just slammed on the brakes, you are going to have a really hard time finding them behind you.


You can also use VIFFs to greatly increase your turn rate, to raise your nose onto target to get a shot you normally wouldnt be able to. But greatest risk of these maneuvers is a second or third aircraft joining the fight. I’ve defeat plenty of Viggens, Phantoms, Mig-21s and Mig-23s in the Sea Harrier FRS1, and have defeated plenty of Mig-23s and Mig-29s and F-16s (encounter a few Taiwanese F-16s). Its best suited for those 1v1 encounters. It just takes someone leaving the turn fight and then coming back in again to get you.

Though, like I said, I have nearly 1v3ed Mig-29s in the Gr7 (got 2 kills). and Im really excited for the FA2.

I dont play much ARB, but Gunjob has some great clips on his channel:


I don’t get this. Here they are developing new ASMs and yet none of the new top tier map introductions even have naval forces present.

And not a single one has an aircraft carrier??

Gajingles, what are we going to shoot these missiles at?

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reading the 2024 roadmap again, the separate brs will immensly help the su25t with its trash grind in arb, which is a welcomed change

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Yeah, a lot of ground attackers are getting a buff with that change. Tornados and Jags should also go down

A7s might actually be playable??

Some good points but if you lose track of a Harrier and you still have your speed, just extend.

Regarding the first video. Sure that looks great but a MiG-29 should, I do not know how it is in SB, but it should be able to follow you through that and shoot you down before it stalls.

If two pilots of equal capability face each other, one in a MiG-29, the other in a Harrier, Harrier should objectively lose every single time regarding to BFM.

The second video is just a Montage…

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Well… One is an 11.7 that should probably have gone to 11.3 instead of getting Aim-9Ms and the other is a 12.3. So… It shouldnt be a fair fight.

FA2 will likely be 12.3 due to AMRAAM, but it should operate more like a BVR truck and have a totally unmatched radar. AV-8B+ with AMRAAM will likely still hold a notable BVR advantage vs Mig-29s at hte same BR.

Yeah, it is entirely pilot skill dependent, had an Su-39 make me work like hell for a gun kill in the Tornado F3 the other day, im sure those same tactics employed by that Su-39 would have gotten an R-73 kill if I hadnt been on the ball with airbrakes and throttle management.

But still, my experience, 95% of players are never ready for a Gr7, at least in SB. Though the lack of radar in the Gr7 makes VID a pain in the butt and you have to keep a continious look out, though you do have a very good RWR as well. I do hope in the future though we get our MAWS

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