Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Yeah H-39 is a given as it was laid down and Germany seems to have had really favourable treatment in naval, at least recently.

Yeah perhaps, it would be very competent for Germany. However I just did a quick wikipedia overview and it is now very interesting how that the Leo 2A4TR was also on the leak list, both being premium.
We might be seeing a prelude to the Turkish TT.

The guns are just copies of the Italian 15 inchers, I mean, these are good guns. But gaijin is probably much more than willing to butcher the sovietsky soyuz to keep Italy bad.

I meant the premium Leo2A4TR
is it for Germany or Italy?

Don’t they have good enough ships in service anyway ?

I seriously doubt they’d need those projects, esp. for this era of warship combat.

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we did but the issue is more how gaijin calculates pen and other values so they underperform massively iirc

its basicaly a 2 pl

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more likely german

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More than likely Germany. Too weak for 11.7 but just enough for 11.0 or 11.3. Lower BR wouldve meant a clash with the current premium.

I am however, gonna keep the benefit of the doubt and suggest that Turkey might be earlier than we thought.

Well yes, I think we will be getting our pre-order packs for the next nation in this upcoming update I don’t think it will be Turkey.

besides doesn’t TT start with planes? unless they do both a tank and a plane as pre-order vehicles.

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and i am gonna deny that because of the whole skin line event for turkey last year

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Israel starts with air then ground, so does Japan and Italy.

I think you’re thinking of the wrong ship, the guns were to be adapted from these Soviet artillery guns and were 16 inches.

Navy weaps seems to show 406 mm of pen at almost 14km


Perhaps. Yet, it meant that gaijin understood that there is a huge Turkish player base(which isnt the fact, just because lira is the cheapest at the time to make in game purchases), and undeniably every game maker wanted to exploit that opportunity.

get smigol here

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Ya, so it’s unlikely to be Turkey.

Probably an 11.3 vehicle for Germany.


Yeah we have tonnes of good ships for this era I mean at the Yamato levels as the UK uses diving shells and no turtlebacks so we get less pen in-game, worse gun handling, randomly nerfed accuracy etc.

SO the ships are going to massively underperform and will need to be replaced by paper designs. Otherwise something like a lion will be worse than a damn Bismarck class.

We just need one British ship
Its way too big, it needs a spoiler:


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does the war thunder playerbase have so little faith in the fleet air arm, that they do not trust it to defeat major warships.

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