Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

we’ll find out in a month and a half


We can expect “油库里33” will leak 95% of the stuff 20 days before the patch drops, that’s how it has been the past 2 patches.


you should look at average, not predicted

It has era on level of bvm
It has 30+ reverse speed
It has good shell
It has good thermal

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weakspots are the same i ask again, what changes?

why tf would i be shooting the era in the first place

the reverse is a gamechanger yea, and the thermals no since bvm has the same

Just like the F-16C, the F-2 is still able to use AIM-7Ms, AAM-4s can be added later.



According to BTVT, the Duplet ERA is much better than Relikt specifically against KE.

They aren’t, here again on BTVT there is a comparison of T-90A vs Oplot

But generally BTVT is quite pro Soviet (Or simply not anti-Soviet) and specifically Ukrainian Soviet and Ukrainian Post-Soviet designs. But it’s a refreshing source compared to the common English language sources which use appeals to racist stereotypes instead of real evidence.

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F-CK-1 focused more on getting the good avionics, but its concept is much akin to a F-20, just flies badly.
Easiest way is to put it between the F-5E and F-16A, we have seen introduction of the F-8E after the F-4J so its not a huge deal.
As of Turkey its not confirmed in Italy as all, the 2 premiums are rather a coincidance namely due to theyre both based off Italian vehicles.

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The difference between ZBD-04A and ZBD-04D is that ZBD-04A has replaced a lot of equipment, mainly in terms of defense. The front of the vehicle can withstand 30mm armor piercing incendiary shells, the side can withstand 14.5mm armor piercing incendiary shells, and the back and turret top can withstand 7.62mm armor piercing shells and shell fragments. In order to ensure the safety of driving in the river, four additional small bulletproof glass windows are opened on the wave deflector.


I was not talking about the F-CK-1.

Imo it will be a German 11.3-11.7 premium. US already has two premiums (10.3 and 11.3), same with UK (10.3 and 11.3) and soon probably with other nations like Russia and Germany we’ll see more 11.3 premiums.

The 04A offers better protection which should be improved from STANAG VI to even better levels, but at the cost of amphibious abilities
Oh yeah offworld lied in squad the 04A cant float

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Chinese Wiki also says stuff about fire control, turret armour, thermals for commander etc.

Translated summary

The large waveguard installed under the front of the vehicle is cancelled and replaced by additional armour… The turret structure is re-designed, both sides are installed with fence type shielding storage rails, the top is equipped with laser warning device, Beidou satellite antenna, 04A fire control system is fully upgraded, the observation system is equipped with a thermal imaging instrument, the commander of the vehicle is independently on the anti-stabilised peripheral vision mirror, the commander of the gun is on the anti-stabilised aiming and guiding a single scope, to realise the ability of “hunting - luminescence”, and the vehicle’s information technology equipment has a number of improvements.

Its ERA will make BVM looks weaker than an literal ariete, even if the nizh cant work properly 3 layers of ERA is just volumetric hell

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All aboard the “Pampering Germany” train.

Top tier with your 2A7V (admittedly ahistorically underperforming 2A6, 2A5, PSO, 2PL, now 2A4TR.

Why mention the 2PL when it’s worse than the 2A5?

Because it’s basically a premium.

5" rockets, firebombs, CBU, 20mm gunpods (GPU-2/A), Mk 149 mod 0 APDS, TOW-2B, ATAS, AGM-65, AGM-114, etc.

Basically its another chance for them to properly implement Cobra’s, though the -1W is probably the closest Mi-24P counterpart for the US, with the -1T & -1J being the -24A & -V respectively.

You mentioned other non-premiums, so why not the 2A5, is my question.

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It can float, but not so well, so it usually don’t do, as it is dangerous if there are waves.