Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Britian = Canada or Australia
Germany = Switzerland
Sweden = Finland
(Italy = maybe Spain?)


No no, dont get me wrong Smin.
BTW, know that i’m not mad or attacking you or something. I’m just wondering about stuff and asking questions.

I’m not interested in specific BR lineups. I only play from 10.0 and below and have grinded most nations accordingly. But what i notice is that lineups that people were complaining about for a few years right now - havent been changed as much.

And i get that more additions are coming this year, but are those addition related to feedback from the community or additions the dev-team would like to add - because they can?

Yeah but Britain never used it.

Everyone said I was insane for wanting the Skink in the US tree, despite the Skink being based on a US tank, using US built components and filling a major need in the US tree.

Now you all want vehicles that you never owned, used or even tested? New Zealand never actually bought the F16s, so that makes even less sense.

i down for that
everyone else got a f16 so its our turn

Stop being behind the times this is war thunder 2.0 remember where they are no rules anymore

its Canadian my guy


Britain never used the ADATS or Gripen C

was built in Canada, never used by the US but I think was lightly used by Britain.

nor did Japan

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And? The F18 is American my guy. Stop begging for it.

Not the CF-18 lol


Every tree deserves a MiG 29 as well. Alomst every TT apart from US and japan can get a MIG29

and the Harrier is British mate


Britain never flew the F18 or F16. The US was far more involved in the Skink than the Brits ever were in the F18 or F16.

If you were against the Skink in the US tree, you can’t be for the F18 and F16 in the British tree.

We have additions both from our plans and based on what the community would like to see.


Stop using that reason as it’s invalid now

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The CF18 is just an F18. It’s American, mate.

Ok but how do we do this?

USSR - ?
Germany - Switzerland (or trailed)
UK - Canada or Australia
Japan - ?
China - ?
Italy - Spain?
France - ?
Sweeden - Finland
Isreal - ?

used by Canada


The US uses the Harrier mate.

You’re proving my point.

No it’s Canadian with mods do some research


France also gets Swiss F-18

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