Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

Yeah, I give it 1, maybe 2 updates and the Gripen will be seeing uptiers and not be fun to fly, at least, not without a major challenge.

that’s nice and all but when are we expecting the next major?

like march? or April?

unless they give it AMRAAMS


Maybe. but then that would just widen the HUGE gap we already have even more. I see them leaving it without AMRAAM to keep it lower BR

We are working to address and fill these gaps wherever it’s possible to do so. Lots more to come over the coming year.


well the FA2 can go in-between

We hope

I fear AMRAAM + Blue Vixen will mean its DOA at like BR13.0

I do understand that. But that was said a year ago as well.
Yet, this is still my 5.7 lineup for japan

although, i must say. The penetration buff for the japanese 30mm guns are wonderfull

Sure, but not in the UK tree. There’s no justification for adding F16s and F18s to a tree that never used them.

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Yeah, Britain’s IFV/light tank situation is a joke too.

Too late m8 looks like we are denied our domestic stuff so the only option now is them type of aircraft .

Well, The Typhoon door has now been closed for a long long time. So that means Gripen C for at least another year. maybe more, We will need something before long, CF-18 from canada would be an ideal stopgap


Many other areas of the game have been filled in that time.

I understand you are interested in a singular spesific BR lineup, but to say we filled no gaps at all across the game and minor nations in the last year would not be accurate.

Again, we have a lot more to come this year.

nah i say 12.3 lowest
at the end of the day its a 10.7 with a better radar and missiles
and that 10.7 is just a 9.7 with a radar and better missiles

F/A 18s for everyone sounds good


F/REE-18 for everyone where justification is possible?

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Yeah, But I still dont think it will stop them. Look at how much Gr7 was over-BRed (pre-9Ms)

We won’t see them before America get’s more advance stuff at least for 6 months

yeah, Finnland, UK (canadian), Germany (switz), for the lolz leave out the US, not aware of the other nations that got f/a 18