Next Major Update - Rumor Round-Up & Discussion (Part 1)

am completly against of that i agree with you the ADF that we have right now should recive the AIM-120 no matter what.


The Tornado is the ADV. The F-16 is the ADF.

Oh ok then. Hungarian it is! I am really leaning into that being a possibility like they did for the SA Gripen.

I know the GJ has got their eyes on the later sea harriers. I wonder if they will come in with the aim-120s. They definitely set up the grind for it by adding that sea harrier when the Italian once came in. I think its a hint.

Ah yeah, I see my error. Damn these accronyms

dont forget the Hungarian JAS-39C soo italy could recive the hungarian gripen with 9Ms and AMRAAMs

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dang I didnt even know… There’s possibly going to be more Gripens then there were F5Cs and harriers with SRAAMS once upon a time.

Thats what the gripen reminds me of now, a top tier F5

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Speaking of Hungary what do we think our chances for that air side of its sub-tree to come in the upcoming (major)update?

I dont think full tree/line, but certainly a smattering is possible. With Italy the only nation without top tier air. it would make sense

Iirc @Smin1080p last time answered that it won’t come soon, though anyway I hardly see the Hungarian branch without Romanian planes, because without them it will be almost entirely copypaste from the USSR TT, not even unique modifications apart from some low tier planes.

The fact that the Finnish air line has nothing Finnish in it really makes me worried for the eventual Hungarian one.

That is an interesting point, though I suppose nothing is stopping them from doing that.

Still under X/F-2A copium and hoping the Fox 3 update is June since XF-2A/F-2 early never used Fox 3s and slipping it in before the Fox 3 update seems ideal. Then June they can bring the F-15J MSIP with AIM-120Bs or AAM-4A, depending on what Fox 3s they start with.

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It could technically use AIM-9M since it’s pretty much an AIM-9L retrofit

They can just start with C5 on 4th gens and give B to 3++ gen platforms

It will happen anyway since ICE and JA37D only used AIM-120B (and A for ICE)

Do you mean the other way round?

Having Bs on the Sea Harrier FA2 Vs C5s on the F15C sounds even worse

Gaijin can add a ammo trailer for this

Having Cs on 3rd gen platform while 4th gens carry Bs would only put them on the same BR. With Bs on 3rd gens and Cs on 4th gens we would be able to create BR separation between these vehicles.

Performance difference between 3rd gen and 4th gen is simply too big for AIM-120B/C to balance. AIM-120B wouldn’t be much better than AIM-7M apart from being FnF, so giving these missiles to 3rd gen platforms could allow similar platforms to have a fair fight against eachother while better performing 4th gens would fight mostly in their own BR bracket.

Let’s face it. They will see each other constantly. No way they would be a full BR apart. I guess gen 3 AMRAAMs at.12.3-12.7. gen 4 AMRAAM at 13.0-13.3 at most

Tbh I can’t see something like F-4F ICE be higher than 12.3

As said before, we are not close at all to this type of aircraft. So you should adjust your expectations accordingly.


2 years i guess maybe a little less